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m0xEE boosted
Oh, BTW, when did they remove the option to have a separate field for search?
On the left is FF 118, on the right — 124.
Not that I use it — I have searches from address/location bar disabled, when I really want that I have to prepend a prefix for the search engine I wish to use explicitly — so there's no default one, but still…

The fuckers! :marseyraging:
m0xEE boosted

🇦🇹 #Austria faces its biggest espionage scandal in decades as the arrest of a former intelligence officer brings to light evidence of extensive Russian infiltration, lax official oversight and behavior worthy of a spy novel.

#russia #spying

m0xEE boosted

“AI” as currently hyped is giant billion dollar companies blatantly stealing content, disregarding licenses, deceiving about capabilities, and burning the planet in the process.

It is the largest theft of intellectual property in the history of humankind, and these companies are knowingly and willing ignoring the licenses, terms of service, and laws that us lowly individuals are beholden to.

#AI #GenAI #LLM #LLMs #OpenAI #ChatGPT #GPT #GPT4 #Sora #Gemini

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

how to have even more amazing opsec:

decide to change your name
don’t know what to change it to
now nobody knows your real name, even you!

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m0xEE boosted

The big project I'm excited about right now is PlugData.

It's a graphical programming language based on & compatible with Pure Data. But it's not only far more legible, it also runs as a VST plugin in your DAW.

As much as I love what it does now, I'm most interested in developing it for my general purpose programming and experimentation. I want to program drones and synths and costumes with it.

We need more coders! Come help!

m0xEE boosted

My Pocket 386 arrived! It seems to have basically the same specs as the Hand386, but in a laptop form factor. There's a few new options for managing the video, and the built-in screen isn't as horribly shit this time.

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

The best way to prevent me from listening is to give me a link to an audio/video file I didn't ask for.

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

I’m very disappointed in you, nerds. A vulnerability in a tool called xz has been in the news for a week, and I have not seen a single xzibit shitpost.

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted



m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

joke's on you i'm a fool every other day of the year as well

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted
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