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These kitties joined the world 5 months ago — and joined our family a week ago. They've been entertaining us ever since. #caturday #CatsOfMastodon #RescueCats

Damn, Kater Bilbo photos are now WebPee too. Sad, but unsubscribing… 😩

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That’s apparently deeply embedded in human nature, but if we learned not to defecate in the middle of the street I guess we can also learn to control our compulsive negative reactions 😉

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This is Hudson.

We went out of town recently and some friends came by each day for cat care. We wanted to make sure that no one shooed the boys off of their favorite kitchen counter, so we left a note.

(Honestly, we left way too many notes. But I can't help it. I get so anxious about leaving them!)


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Sousedi mají novou rohožku 😍

S tímhle se prostě nedá soupeřit.

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🇬🇧 🇷🇺 The United Kingdom is offering British passports to Russian officials in exchange for intelligence information, the British newspaper i reported Friday, citing three anonymous U.K. intelligence sources and one former Russian informant.

#britain #russia

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@sneexy i was thinking "okay this is really funny" until i realised this is just Mozilla Firefox

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40 years ago this week, "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" by #CyndiLauper entered the #Top10 at 9. It peaked at 2 on 10 Mar 1984. #1980s #MusicHistory #MusicVideo

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When it comes to Ministry of Education, there's even more wild shit:
A woman was forced to remove a wedding photo of her embracing a man who is now her husband for 7 years with church in the background and it was reported as "indecent".
Well, she was only ordered to provide an explanatory note, but she chose to remove the photo to avoid problems in the future as she's now pregnant.
US conservatives should definitely take notes of our "traditional" values 🤣

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