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I know, reverting it is no proper solution as it is a fix for something else, but I hope that it will help you narrowing the real cause of the issue down.

Thanks for Lagrange and Bubble! 👍

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Hello, @jk
Sorry for reaching you like this, but I couldn't come up with a better way 😋
This commit:
is likely the culprit for breaking scrolling as described in this issue:
I have the same configuration, using wayland SDL video driver and after updating Largange from 1.16.2 to 1.16.7, mouse wheel scrolling no longer works for me. When I rebuild 1.16.7 with said commit reverted, it magically works again.

m0xEE boosted

Software becoming worse rant 

When your cat is not in use, don't forget to put it back into its protective sheath 😸

m0xEE boosted


What are you, crazy? Go out right now and buy a new Macbook Pro! And a Mac Pro to use at home! And since you're at the Apple store anyway, why don't you pick up an iPhone 15 Pro Super Mega Max as well, and of course an iPad and an Apple Watch to complete the ecosystem. Airpods are optional for now, but I'd highly appreciate it if you got a pair too. Or two, one for home and one for on the go.

You can't just keep using your old hardware. Think about the economy! Hardware manufacturers are struggling because of people like you!

You throw away that old crap right now, I don't care if it still works and fits your needs, and you buy everything new. And from now on, you do that *every single year*!

Understood? ;)

What?! System has been using Wayland for ages, but Firefox wasn't, what is even the point? It was Firefox in particular that encouraged me to try Wayland in the first place, I've been fed up seeing very noticeable visual tearing. I hope the screenshots of Firefox's window have been working. Can't believe how bad Ubuntu is these days 😩

m0xEE boosted

If you happen to get your hands on an older computer, say between 10 and 20 years old, do you

m0xEE boosted

TIL about the doorway effect a known psychological event where a person's short-term memory declines when passing through a doorway moving from one location to another when it would not if they had remained in the same place.
#til #todayilearned

m0xEE boosted

Looks like Amfora won't be actively developed anymore.
It's a pity as it was one of my favourite Gemini browsers, and I'm sure not mine only. Although some of the reasons stated aren't ungrounded, TBH the whole post looks like a classic case of burnout, not real disappointment in technology, but I'm not judging in either case, I'm just sad :marseysad:

Damn, season 8 of Futurama is being released. I wonder how many South Park seasons have been released then, 40? 😱

A concept album about an organization offering “lifestyle- and industry-specific applications designed to curate a desired multi-experience,” Integrated Tech Solutions picks apart the charlatan language that hears app inventors put themselves on continuums starting with cavemen and continuing through da Vinci.

Looks interesting. Last album felt kinda bland to me with very few highlights. I hope this one will be better.

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

Wow, I have just succeeded at what is used as a proverbial irreversible process — I've put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Tomorrow I'm going to try gluing the egg back together and assembling a cow back from mincemeat, what if I'm on a streak? 😲

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted
The infrastructure for it is already there and it's been there for over a decade, it's even mentioned in the article — Google Safe Browsing. And it's the first thing one should disable in Firefox. The question (for them) is how strictly it should be enforced. Right now it's only a warning — but IMO it's enough to prevent most from visiting your website. They are not even fighting censorship — they just want government agencies to use already existing Google thing instead of having their own 🤷

From the article:
"Rather than mandate browser based blocking, we think the legislation should focus on improving the existing mechanisms already utilized by browsers – services such as Safe Browsing and Smart Screen. The law should instead focus on establishing clear yet reasonable timelines under which major phishing protection systems should handle legitimate website inclusion requests from authorized government agencies"

@plumeros @LukaszOlejnik

Oh my, I've forgotten the alt text 🙀
Anyway, it should be something like "tabby point cat resting on a luxurious-looking cushion".

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m0xEE boosted
I've got defederated from the power grid yesterday. Again! For the fifth time in a week or so :marseygiveup:
Unfortunately this time was different — tiny ARM machine I am using as VPN box/proxy started having issues with built-in storage, it looks odd as I can even write to it, but after I've read about 3 gigabytes, the controller goes nuts, kernel log gets littered with messages like "Oh noes, we don't support UltraDMA anymore" — after that I can't even read anything from it.
Maybe it wasn't the outage, this machine is over 15 years old and might start showing its age, especially its storage.
Fortunately for me, unlike machines of this kind of today, Efika MX NetTop turned out very serviceable. It looks like the controller is located on the same daughter board as the flash chips. Got the ribbon cable re-seated — didn't help, the connector it gets plugged into is labelled 99FLB (fscking logic board? :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat: ). These machines are supposed to have eMMC for SSD — and it's likely what this interface is, shouldn't be something custom, but I don't know much about this stuff. Does this look familiar to anyone? Maybe I can just replace the whole board and be done with it.
I still need a dedicated VPN box/proxy as I don't want to use VPN on every individual device in my home and I don't want it on router either as I have a few things hosted like my Plenormer instance and those have to respond from my "real" external IP.
It already had very few moving parts on the root partition, its /var was on a separate SD card. I suspect that this problem started showing even earlier, but I didn't pay attention — it boots and works even in its current state. Anyway, I have moved the rest of volatile/mutable dirs to SD card and it works for now, but it might just bork at unpredictable moment so I will have to reboot it, but I might not even be at home when this happens, I'd really like to have a more proper, reliable fix for it.
m0xEE boosted
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