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Check this out, I'm using Perlonmer in surf on a vintage ThinkPad with only 512 Mbs of RAM. It's slower than a dead snail rolling downhill from Fuji mountain, but nothing's impossible 🐌
Maybe I should even register for that challenge and write reports about these things in my gemlog. I'm using hardware like this daily anyway 🤪

— It's SDL time!
— No, Void, no!

And I have just cleaned the XBPS cache on this computer as there was not enough space to upgrade all packages 😩
Good thing, I have another x86 Thinkpad with old version of SDL2 package — not everyone's that lucky.

Whoah, I've found a way to workaround the problem with wireless adapter, and I don't even have to reassign IRQs, looks like it shares it with video adapter and all to takes is "xset dpms force off" to turn the display off so it can associate with the network, after that it works fairly consistently. I did notice earlier that it often succeeds when left alone for extended periods of time — so that is why 😂
Well, I have another nice old machine at my disposal. Too many of them TBH 🤪

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m0xEE boosted
Like with every other music genre, I prefer darker sound, here is what I usually go for when I'm in the mood for breaks-based music:
This isn't even remotely drum'n'bass, breakcore I think — but this is what I like.
TBH I was a little disappointed when he released one of the tracks (Cool Priest I think) before releasing the complete album and even on my first listen of it all — it doesn't have 8 minute long dark ambient-like pieces and overall sound is more simplistic than his usual, but it somehow grew on me. He's a true master of this genre — as dark and brooding as ever.

BTW, sorry, man, I didn't give you any feedback on last two mixes, but I didn't really have a chance to listen to them properly — just can't get myself into a state to do something undistracted for over an hour.

Looks like font.size.systemFontScale is gone in Firefox 105 and everything is smol again. There might have been a lot of incentives for removing it — breaking screenshooting feature for one, if the var vas set to anything but 100, screenshot region wasn't scaled accordingly and you got cropped screenshots or empty space around what you wanted.
Now there is ui.textScaleFactor that does the same and works, but screenshots are still skewered. What was the point then? 🤔

m0xEE boosted

Don't even bother trying to become as popular on Fedi as you were on Twitter! We have a well-established food chain here, competition is harsh 😼

m0xEE boosted
@mjdxp What's called AI today isn't exactly new — neural networks were there all the time (I've been using libfann for OCR myself 15 years ago or so), it's just that computing resources and huge data sets weren't where. People still like what NN can do, what they don't like is mass surveillance and large scale data collection — the things companies kept pushing all the time. They've just tried to give it a new "AI" flair and some people kinda liked that. Now they have realized that it's same old and they don't like it anymore.
Same with cryptocurrencies — the idea is awesome, it allowed people to have currencies outside of central banking system, but they've never been used in this regard — only as an intermediate payment system. Most of it is petty trading: spend $1, gain 2 — lose 20 tomorrow, when people fuck up with that and they want some sort of regulation as a safety net and this takes us to square one.
The technologies aren't themselves bad, they are just prone to being used in wrong ways — that is what made some of us skeptical since they were just getting started to be adopted.
For example, I like fingerprints readers — it's better than password for unlocking computer, if someone wants to get in real bad — neither will stop them alone. But I don't want it to be used to protect more sensitive data — for computer that you're using to shitpost that will do, but not for accessing your bank account, and I definitely don't want biometric data to be stored outside of my computer — once that gets stolen, you're fucked: you can't change your face or fingerprints as easily as you can change your password.
m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

It's not vegetarian — yes, but it was some pig, so it's okay-ish, I guess. Unless you're a Muslim of course — in this case you can only eat *that* kind of pigs. Bug I strongly advise against doing that literally — they might shoot back if you hunt them, could be dangerous.

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Meal of the day: fried curry pork with a side of diversity bulgur with vegetables and mushrooms.
No, I don't usually call it that, I came up with that name when I was taking the photo.
But I do mix several kinds of bulgur: normal and whole… (sale? 🤔 no, it's wholegrain), it's not that prominent on the photo as they get colored by seasoning, but it still looks cooler that way.

Finally, I have found a challenge worthy of mah here bwoi!
🎊 Old Computer Challenge🎉
And guess what? I don't even have to limit it much to fit the requirements — it's so naturally slow!
The only thing I'm not sure about is lowest possible frequency — at 600Mhz even Amfora would probably be unusable 🤣

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m0xEE boosted
I don't think that centrists are those who don't have any opinion, but maybe I'm just preoccupied by concept of radical center. And they aren't those who thing that what we have now is the best solution possible — there is always room for improvement, but choices we need to make, do not necessarily have to clearly align with either left or right.
For me centrism is also deeply grounded in reality: this is what we have now, what can we do to make it better in the foreseeable future? So it doesn't get down to chasing some pipe dream — this might make it look like it's aligning with status quo. Progressives might say: but that is not good enough — and that is often true, it isn't, but that doesn't mean we should start breaking things. Just set a clear goal and always keep it in mind — making baby steps in the right direction is better than making huge leaps in the wrong one.
And of course centrists are not those who are "Let's just all hold hands and go into brighter future": you have to make choices, you have to make sacrifices — some of your choices might alienate one group or the other — you are not strawberry ice cream for everyone to love you. But it still doesn't mean we have to get rid of some group to have all our problems solved — this had never worked and it won't work now. That is the problem with all that "eating the rich" and getting rid of authority — is the world where everyone is poor and has no control over anything really what you want? I think not — but it doesn't mean we should treat those with wealth and power as some sort of demiurges who gave us all the good things — they are not, they, or some of their ancestors might have done some good things, but now they are just using their wealth and power to prevent others from taking their place. Yet, there is no "revolution of proletariat", like John Lennon said in his song: working class hero is something (yet) to be. It'd be just another revolution for one group to replace other group in power using proletariat as a tool. Aristocracy just gets replaced by capitalists or nomenklatura like in USSR — and most people are just getting fucked, again!
What we all want is not world without rich, but world where wealth is more evenly distributed and where more people take part in decision making. Those who do better job should still be rewarded more — I was born in USSR and I've seen what happens when it's not this way: some just do job with dignity, but not doing 400% of plan, a lot of others are just drunk at lunch because they don't fucking care. But of course that doesn't mean that those who can't do better should live in slums. We should also not strive for getting rid of private property, what we want in reality is to prevent few from owning everything and the rest from owning nothing. We should also not try to get rid of social classes — just make it more transparent and make social mobility easier. We shouldn't get rid of nations either — we just have to learn how to co-exist together, and it'd be way easier when people get just live their life instead of constantly struggling to make ends meet.
This is kinda what the left want, but it's also kinda what the right want, and it is a lot like status quo — just way better balanced, this is centrism! So why don't we all just hold hands… 🤣
@m0xee @thor
m0xEE boosted

An insightful comment!

Indeed, all of this is happening almost at the same time 😔

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Okay, so Melon Usk killed off even the GraphQL APIs of Thwarter… My Nitter instance could not retrieve access tokens since this morning, I thought it was just outdated so I rebased my patches to latest one and it still didn't work. Then I thought something's wrong with my patches, but alas:
Where would I get the news on what's going on in Russia now?

Just rebooted to upgrade to newer kernel.
cat /proc/version → old kernel
WTF? 🤨
TBH it did look suspicious when it didn't prompt me for gpg password
Did I just *forget* to actually reboot it after logging off? 🙃

m0xEE boosted

> PCOfficina sets what might seem like some quite high bars for the equipment that it refurbishes and issues. Its minimum spec is a Core i3 processor or equivalent, eight gigs of ram, and a 128GB SATA drive – ideally an SSD

Damn, most computers I still find usable do not even meet their spec to be considered 'trashware' 😂

m0xEE boosted
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