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My block got defederated from the power grid 😔
This is the capital and such things are not only possible, but are actually quite common. Or having no running water during office hours for three consecutive days. Can't believe this shit 🤬

m0xEE boosted

@PawelK @DotardTed I have this thing sitting on top of bookcase that tells me how well exactly Mother Russia's economy is doing — live from Moscow Exchange. I can even wake up at night and check if there is cause for alarm!
No, just kidding, they don't have trade session at night time, it just shows the rates it was closed at 😂

m0xEE boosted
The old MacBook Pro I use now has a weird keyboard issue: sometimes "k" and "l" keys stop working — sometimes they work normally for extended periods of time, sometimes you have to press them multiple times alternating "k" and "l" to make them work again. I'm pretty sure the keys are fine, probably a microcrack in the ribbon cable, but, as I use a lot of software with vi-like bindings, you can imagine, it's really annoying.
And I think to myself: maybe I should just order a new keyboard from AliExpress? And I go to iFixIt to see if it's easy to replace and see this: sixty nine screws just to detach the keyboard? And there is a plethora of steps before I even get to this one. Oh, screw it! Pressing the keys to make them work again isn't that bad 😅
m0xEE boosted
Yesterday I realized that there is a way to control MPV with an IPC, it can be configured to listen to named pipe/socket. So I had decided to hack together a web app in python to control it, but then found an already existing one here:
It only does a bare minimum, so I've added a couple of extra buttons and did a facelift, also got rid of javascript: original script used XmlHttpRequest object to issue POST requests, mine uses GET requests so buttons are normal links and the script replies with a 301 redirect back to /. I should've probably used a hidden frame, but that's unnecessary complication IMO.
Well, now it looks nice and still gets the job done (without JS) 😄

My fluffbros would never rat me out I think — they look real gangsta themselves 😹

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Photo caption: "We are not as loyal as dogs, but we don't tell the police where your drugs are"

Comment: "I could've posted a compilation of news from Poland on how fluffballs ratted out their humans to cops, but I'm a lazy ass"


— I'd like to have a woman drinking whiskey in our animated series…
— But all our heroines are schoolgirls!
— Don't worry, we'll tell everyone that it's lemonade 😏

I've always been wondering if there is something like that on Gemini. Now I know there is, and it looks amazing!

m0xEE boosted

@profoundlynerdy @bgtlover
My personal TUI favourites:
gomuks the Matrix client (
tut the Fedi/Masto client (
and amfora the Gemini browser (
All of them are written in Go so they are really easy to build if your platform is supported by Go.

An article about how Putin used NATO expansion as a false pretext to invade Ukraine:
The fact that not enough people in the West realize this is still a huge problem IMO.

cc @DotardTed

Went looking for http-accept syntax trying to fix this shit and you know what? This is the example Mozilla themselves give in their docs — prefer WebP over everything else:
// Multiple types, weighted with the quality value syntax:
Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, image/webp, */*;q=0.8

Why the fsck they suck up to Google so much and why do independent developers support this Google abomination? 😩

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Just updated my Nitter instance from GitHub and when I tried using it I noticed that nearly all images and video previews are gone. My first idea was that something's wrong with the CSS as I didn't update those. Did that — didn't fix the problem so I fired up network monitor in Firefox and noticed that it tries to retrieve all images in WebP format 🤯
grepped Nitter's source and that's it — it's what it does now and it's not even an option, it's hardcoded like that!

@gemlog Does your instance make your old posts inaccessible, I wanted to reply to your post about how much more Russians have to pay, but it seems I'm not able to find it anymore 🤔
Anyway… At least Russians don't have to suffer from something as horrible as Justin Trudeau regime. I'm serious, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state that introduces forced draft unironically calls what you have in Canada a regime 🤣

First attempt to take a walk outside didn't end up quite as planned — still somewhat cold out there 😸

m0xEE boosted
Now removing the goddamn useless button is the third most popular idea on Mozilla Connect. I wonder if they pay attention to this stuff?
Surprisingly the most popular one is some weird idea about tab grouping. The second one is pretty nice though — I don't have anything Chromium-based installed and I don't and never will use Electron apps, but I don't mind having another Firefox window open and having a tighter integration. I wonder why they gave up on it in the first place, most of the code was already there then suddenly they just removed it. Considering how Google is normalizing web "apps" and how MS now joined the cause, this should be the top priority feature for the browser and the web rendering engine to stay relevant, not some AI bullshit.
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Alternative reality where Eyedea didn't die of accidental overdose. And that had enough impact for Chris Cornell to not kill himself, and that, in turn, made Chester not kill himself. So war never happened. Isn't that how entropy works?
I wonder what music he'd be into if he lived today. Well, yeah, some lyrics do sound immature, but this man didn't even live long enough to be in hist thirties. A perfect example of very talented and deeply troubled mind.

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