This one gives off strong vibes of The Process from Transistor game: a cybernetic entity imitating organic life.
Not that I'm against this cancer devouring the city. The blocks of flats behind it look terrible 🤢
I saved this for a special occasion that is today!
My cats were play fighting and one of them scratched the other on the back of the head, so he had to wear this Elizabethan collar for the wound to heal.
When my mom saw this photo, she told me he looks like a spaceman and I immediately realized what "spaceman" we are talking here…
#caturday #cats #starcraft
@wy477wh173 I've found this video of my cat playing Cat Quest co-op mode with me. I've shot it to post on the Cat Quest subreddit. The developers keep saying that co-op mode is new to Cat Quest 2, which is obviously a blatant lie — it was there in the original game, it just wasn't designed for humans 😹
I didn't post it as I've realized I've got to have a Reddit account for that, but I still have the video.
@appak My cats sleep under a blanket when it's cold and I cover them, but they don't hide like that themselves. Jokes aside, maybe they don't feel comfortable about it for some reason. They prefer their cool (but warm) sweaters and their heated rug.
Oh, they do come under the blanket themselves when I'm under that blanket too! Maybe they feel cuddly or maybe they just feel safer this way, knowing I'm already there and no one will sit on top of them by accident 😸
@fugger @cyberspook The web is the main problem, otherwise old hardware is quite usable. Yesterday I've fired up a neetpad from 50 years ago (Thinkpad T40) to update it and generate ed25519 ssh keys for it. And everything except the web is there. You can use gomuks for matrix, amfora for gemini, mutt for mail and gomphotherium for fedi, mplayer plays 720p videos just fine. And this thing's got only 512 Mb RAM! The web is not the biggest problem, it's the only problem actually.
@sai Having tech as a hobby is fine and dandy, but I'd really prefer a little less "computer related autism" in my life. Like not having urges to turn on that old Power Mac G5 to update software on it just because I'm bored. You know, building from source, fixing build errors… Only to turn it off once it's done.
At least it'll effect my power bill in a healthy way, thing's a real power drain and it takes almost two full days (!) to build Firefox on it!
@arcade I don't have any problems with obscene language, but I still prefer to use "fsck" instead of "fuck" because…
Try using e2fsck now without laughing 😂
I think I've seen it somewhere and started using it too.
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.