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m0xEE boosted

It is once again time to give thanks to Brian Fox, the Black American programmer that has given us BASH and echo! Thank you for your INCREDIBLE contributions to open source software, Unix, and Linux. It literally would not be the same without you. BASH is still absolutely foundational to all computing today. Happy Black History Month to an absolute icon!

#bash #bashscript #echo #foss #linux #unix #BlackHistoryMonth #gnu

8 is still good, but I bet you can't build Python bloat with it, even 10 is still bearable, starting with 11 it's bug-ridden shite on everything that's not x86_64 😢


It took me about a week to figure out why python bloat segfaults on this machine — no surprises though: newer GCC produces buggy binaries for PowerPC 😩

> Но это я не подключал ее ещё, может там звук будет шляпа
Так если его не для записи брать, а для того, чтобы в охотку пальцами вечером поперебирать, то и… не похер ли? 😉

OMFG, in my latest case it turned out certbot was failing due to machine hosting Plenomer being to-o slo-ow and nginx had been failing to reload the configs in time to respond to the challenge properly, adding "--nginx-sleep-seconds=5" resolved the issue 🤣
I was THIS 🤏 close to just giving up figuring what's wrong with the config and resorting to webroot method 😅

> sticky
E-ew! 😖
Too many reminders on too many different days — and they would get triggered even if certbot succeeded.
Of course there are other services that check your cert validity, I think they've been giving a link to one in the email about shutting down their notifications, but…
It would probably be easier to implement sending notifications if certbot fails 😅

@lain @kaia @romin
How does this even qualify? The girl has a halo over her head and ZERO horns! 😠

The client is a teapot too! Everything and everyone is a teapot — it's IoT era (Internet of Teapots).
Governed by ArTEAficial Intelligence 🤖🫖

Kinda sad 😢
Knowing beforehand that I have to dedicate more time to debugging the way certbot gets run from crontab was really nice.

m0xEE boosted

HTTP 418 I'm a teapot 🫖
But it's your fault! 😠

People in EU: Did you know that you can use the water you boiled your eggs in to make coffee? 🤢
People in China: I need a gas mask to breathe… 😷
EU policymakers: Going green, ya-ay! 🤩

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

Получай удовольствие от жизни в России… из Польши 😂

> в рамках программы поддержки патриотических организаций
> «Лесбиянки с Донбасса»

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