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Ah, it's a custom bar — that is why it looks unusual to me.
I'm using a built-in bar — I use colour emoji for workspace names so they are more descriptive, but seeing colour Firefox icon still surprised me 😄
I'm using sway on most of my machines — it's not for everyone perhaps, but once you learn or remap the shortcuts and bind the software you use most often to the keys of your preference, it gets quite comfy.

Lagrange looks amazing as usual! 🤩

Is that still sway? 🤔

m0xEE boosted

@santiago @EkpyroticFrood
I agree, even an email or a website address would already be "too complicated" in this case 😔
I used to do that with electronic musicians in pre or early social media days — find out their name and then look them up, but sadly it's not what most people are up to these days.

> логическими и бюрократическими задачами
> логическими
ты отдаёшь наркотики нам ИЛИ мы сажаем тебя в тюрьму 🤔

m0xEE boosted

The fediverse cannot sustain Facebook or Twitter numbers on any one instance or platform.

That shouldn't be a goal.

Many, many smaller communities on much more varied software is how you survive.

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@fiore @nyanide
It's complicated…
When your Windows machine is a part of domain, users can have "roaming profiles" so their settings stay in sync no matter what computer they log into.
And there are 3 directories under %HomePath%/AppData :
Roaming — settings that are synced
Local — things that aren't
LocalLow — things used by software running in "protected mode", this used to be a thing in NT, offered a degree of isolation, not sure it's still used in modern Windows

@EkpyroticFrood @santiago
There is a static website generator for musicians/bands in the vein of BandCamp:
It's easy to use and the result looks quite nice, and the best part — it's static, you can just upload the files to any hosting.
But it's no replacement as a communication platform, PixelFed is nice as Insta replacement, but I think it takes some skill to self-host and it still requires your fans to have any Fedi account.

> started automatically following JD Vance unwillingly
For real?! 😲 A setup like this is just… vile!

m0xEE boosted
so, if anyone in belgium or germany wants to photograph or scan the pages of the second volume of the research unix version 10 publication, you'll be a hero.
pretty please? it's in a couple libraries.
If someone can find a library in the netherlands that has it, maybe my brother can do it (probably crappy phone photos if he does it)
m0xEE boosted

Но сперва ведь нужно разработать и внедрить Единый Реестр Взяток — всего за какие-то 1,5 миллиарда рублей 😉

Is Google making preparations for the next stage of anti-trust? 🤔

m0xEE boosted

The Linux Foundation spurred an initiative to bring together Chromium browser makers and supporters into a single group.

> How will this work? Kind of how Chromium has been working already. The group will have an open governance model, according to the Foundation, based on other Foundation initiatives based on "transparency, inclusivity, and community-driven development."

#technews #opensource #chrome #google #meta #opera #microsoft

Oh my, I'm really short on cats 🙀
Having only two doesn't seem enough for living in Russia!

@snacks @dagda
They do! If it's not something they can reach the obvious way, e.g. they keep track of mega on AeroWalk, but not red armour.
Q3 bots are actually also pretty good, AFAIK it was the same guy who make Omicron bots for original Quake who developed them and Omicron bots were innovative for the time — they weren't as good as e.g. Frog bots on popular maps, but they could build dynamic waypoints so they could play any map.

If that's the best *you* could do and only went only this far with your tech stack, what should the average person do — seeing you lumping smaller organisations together with true evil? "If the alternatives aren't much better then maybe Google isn't that bad?" — that would be their line of thinking, what good does this accomplish?
And yes, for stepping away from "big tech" Node is the worst pick — you aren't ceasing the means of production, Google remains at the helm!

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