Let's start with SAP FI module — Secure Activity Pub Favourite Instances 🫠
@chowderman @rvps2001
> Evgeny Lebedev, also a British citizen, was given a seat for life in the upper chamber of parliament as part of the former prime minister’s list of political peerages in July 2020, becoming Baron Lebedev of Hampton in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and of Siberia in the Russian Federation.
It's him — the Baron of Siberia! 🧐
Love! Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! My cats & I form a Beloved Community. #cats #CatsOfMastodon #MLKday #peace #snuggles
«Я Вам потом скажу. У нас, знаете, есть поговорочка, такая грубоватая, про бабушку, про дедушку… Если бы у бабушки были внешние половые органы дедушки, она была бы дедушкой, а не бабушкой. Поэтому что там говорить»
Прочитал эту новость как настоящую и возмутился всего в одном месте. Возможно, я действительно слишком пессимистично отношусь к современным технологиям 😅
Going through pull requests submitted to your mailbox? 📫
Five stupid questions that will get you fired and make you become homeless — adjusted for pre-AI era 😅
The original plan was probably painting Ukraine and the EU as the ones freezing people to death, but Russia has failed to spin it the right way, both EU and Ukraine demonstrated the willingness to cooperate and at this point it started being perceived as it was Russia willing to sacrifice people for short-term political gains (which it is). With tables turned insisting meant bad PR and backing out made more sense 🤷
But can it run Doom while simultaneously printing Bad Apple on an infinite roll of paper? 🤔
Developers, please be careful when installing Homebrew. Google is serving sponsored links to a Homebrew site clone that has a cURL command to malware. The URL for this site is one letter different than the official site.
Note: Google allows the ad sponsors to specify an URL that will be displayed on the ad (original brew.sh here), but the click takes you to the malware domain brewe.sh.
@bartholin @kaia
Scarf ace 🤣
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.