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m0xEE boosted

No kittens here!
This marks the end of the Fediverse, we have officially run out of kittens 😿

m0xEE boosted

I just started my Fediverse relay service which is a powerful way to support smaller instances, especially single-user setups, by boosting their visibility and enabling them to connect more easily with the wider network.

You can find more information at:

The instance is reachable on IPv4 and IPv6.

#fediverse #opensource #relay #devops #mastodon #pleroma #gotosocial #ipv6

"Unless they are making no money for you… in which case — they should!"
— attributed to your local internet billionaire

Hey, I'm only watching ep.5 — no spoilers!
I have to admit though, it's pretty hard to follow that rule on Fedi…

You are making me save a frame of every anime girl saying that and I can admit, despite watching very few anime shows these days… It's not uncommon at all 😅
We have to do something about it — I'm thinking of opening a chain of underground pharmacy venues, but my lawyers somehow advise against that… Is there a different way in the world of gig economy? 🤔

FOSGOP — Free and Open Source Grannie's OUTSTANDING Panties 🤪

m0xEE boosted

Hot take of the day: tabbed browsing was a mistake.

m0xEE boosted

we should not forget to buy more moomin mugs ​:moomin_hattifatteners:

> мужчины могут стать популярными животными даже без инъекций наркотиков
Наконец-то! 😏

А где кот на последнем фото? 😼
Боже! На ёлке! 🙀

@mjdxp @PallasRiot
I wonder why can't children of Russian oligarchs do anything comparable to that? They have their own not-quite-emerald mines, a fleet of rusty Soviet boats and plenty of non-apartheid slave labour, yet they can't produce even a petroleum-powered car that won't fall apart entirely in 60'000 miles… 🤔

m0xEE boosted

@get @theorytoe
To download their favourite TikToks with yt-dlp via a North Korean proxy? 🤔

I have Poco X3 Pro and its 8 Gb is still plenty for me, newer Poco phones lack the 3.5 mm jack and I really like my Sennheiser Momentum wired headphones. Something like Redmi Note 13 Pro would be nice, but on the other hand, like I said, I'm never using even the resources of the phone I have. My phone has 256 built-in storage and with 200 Gb SD card it's pretty close to 512 Gb models — so even the storage space isn't a problem, no point in upgrading really 😁

@idiot @atoponce
Yep, it's the same person in both issues! One might think that passkeys solve old problems with fancy new cryptography, but in fact it's good olde public/private keypair authentication served under a different sauce, with vendor lock-in baked right in: phishing resistance is achieved solely through not being able to access the private key using normal means — otherwise the software you use to manage them won't pass the attestation. It's all marketing bullshit!

@mo @drq @WildPowerHammer
Ну да, идея упаковки в занимающий меньше места тип, пожертвовав точностью не нова, например выбросив из того же IEEE 754 часть мантиссы. Не знаю правда как это работает на видеокарте, но не думаю, что сильно отлично от обычного центрального процессора, и не знаю что там есть для этого в аппаратной части, всё же, машинное обучение — не моё.

@mo @drq @WildPowerHammer
Кстати говоря, когда-то были в OpenGL расширения, позволявшие сжимать текстуры с потерями:
Но после этого объёмы видеопамяти заметно выросли и копать в эту сторону перестали.
Сейчас, когда видеокарты в очередной раз нашли новую сферу применения, к идее могли бы и вернуться, но, опять же, не факт, что это будет быстрее.

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