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@kravietz @liilliil
Сообщить в ГРУ его старшему офицеру, что слишком грубо работает 🤭

«Если у них нет хлеба, пусть едят пирожные!»— заявил спикер нижней палаты парламента.

> half-assed apology video
…or they can at least try to reframe "the incident" as something cool

> онанизм
Автозамена? 🤭

Stop right there, wizard! You'll be thrown into the dungeon! 💂🫅💂

Without unsoldering? Great keyboard you got there!
Hide it well from the all-reaching hammers of mechanical keyboard maker's order and their henchmen! ⌨️🔨

That would not be approved by mechanical keyboard makers — they have to sell you a new keyboard every now and then.

A-ah, don't worry! It's by pure chance that I know what Digital Mars is so I could guess who's the author.
Experienced people might hold opinions that do now make any sense to you (and often do 🤭), it's not one-dimensional — that's the beauty of it!

…two times and holds to break free from stasis? 🤔

The guy's no rookie — that's for sure, he's a skilled compiler developer and even designed his own language, he speaks from experience… It's just that he just has a vastly different vision of what a compiler should do, like if it's computable at compile time, the compiler should just do that — I don't share this approach either. If I did it that way instead of defining a macro — this is what I want, the compiler should not make choices for me 🤷

Ha-ha-ha, thanks, man!
Indeed, I have a few years of dealing Windows behind my back, but I'm hardly that knowledgeable — I just remember all too well how confusing it can be when you're coming from Linux or Mac OS X 😁

Although you expect the filesystem itself to handle this, it does not and it might depend on software 😂
Windows can sure be counterintuitive!

@charlie_root In Windows "date created" and "date modified" are also separate attributes — you can make the corresponding columns visible in Explorer. In theory it even supports "date accessed" — so-called atime, but I'm not sure all versions of NTFS support that.
And yes, I have just checked — extracting a file from an archive using Explorer alters its modification time 🤷

@iska @theorytoe
I might not agree with the criticism in the linked article, but describing the one who created D programming language, a C++ compiler and a C compiler before that as "someone who rarely has primary experience writing C" just feels wrong!

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

s/won't come/won't be coming/ that would probably be more correct 🤔

@unspeaker @tiredhorizon
It's probably somewhere under gconf… or dconf… of gsettings, or — whatever new thing they have that apes Windows registry 😆
There is also xdg-mime that you can use to manage file type associations, but again — I'm not sure GNOME considers its DB a priority or relies on something else these days.

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