Pilet is a Raspberry Pi 5-powered modular, portable computer with 5-inch or 7-inch display, optional built-in keyboard (Crowdfunding)
Pilet is a modular, open-source hardware, portable computer designed for the Raspberry Pi 5 SBC, and equipped with a choice of displays, keyboards, and an optional battery module that can last for up to 7 hours. Two models are ava…
You're lucky you never had an opportunity to take a cab somewhere in Eastern Europe or like… Turkey, being Russian a few years ago.
"Oh! Pooteen!!! YES!!!" 🤩
In most cases they knew nothing about Russian politics, and just wanted to act friendly, assuming you belong to the majority — but it always felt awkward 😬
So, in a way, you're following her footsteps?
Not too different I'd say, our "used car salesman" just managed to make it big — Russia is a rich country. Well, it could be were it not for him 🤭
No, I don't think allowing them preach is what they mean — he called AfD the only hope for Germany. Still not enough to call it election interference, but endorsing a party is a far shot from not censoring them.
> with an attempt at a fallback licence
I see where your scepticism is coming from, but I doubt it would ever happen in this case — it's a single-person hobby project unlikely to ever grow into something bigger.
Again, I do not insist, it's certainly not that kinda thing you can't live without, it's just "interesting" and that's it.
I use ProtonMail for my domains, I was thinking of self-hosting, but I don't want to do it at home — power outages and email servers aren't best friends 😅
And paying for VPS turned out more expensive, and I need Proton's VPN anyway.
If you want Outlook/Hotmail without OAuth2, check this out: https://github.com/simonrob/email-oauth2-proxy
I couldn't get SMTP to work, but IMAP access works fine.
Not that I insist, it just seemed interesting to me 🤷
It's very capable despite being in the early stages — so it's just not old enough to be in Debian repos, besides it's in Nim and I'm not sure Debian even ships software like that.
What license does it use? 🤔
Well, no big deal — I've used fetchmail to download it all.
And I still have my Outlook account. They don't make it easy to use it, now they have introduced that OAuth2 shit, but there are still ways around it. I keep it because I think I have Windows and maybe some other licenses on it.
I've lost one of my very old email accounts on Yandex when they introduced app passwords last year, and I couldn't get in via web interface to generate one — obviously I didn't use my real identity so I could not answer any questions.
And I have deleted my Gmail account myself, they kept insisting on having my phone number so I couldn't get in 9 times out of 10. Funny enough, they didn't let me download the archive without giving them phone number, but let me delete the account 🤦
There is a new (and really good) TUI browser — chawan, it has decent CSS support and also supports Gemini, it can display images if your terminal emulator supports sixel — and for some reason it even supports WebPee. Yeah, I know… I should patch it out.
Sorry for not providing a link, I'm on my phone, you can look it up on SourceHut. The browser itself is defitely worth checking out, among terminal browsers I think it's as good as elinks if not better.
I'm thinking of deleting my Deviant Art account, but I'm not sure its recovery email account still exists 😂
Would it come to Netflix in 4k? 🤔
@amoroso @lproven
There are quite interesting specimens listed there, like HP t740:
CPU: AMD Ryzen Embedded V1756B 3.25-3.6GHz (8 cores)
GPU: Radeon Vega 8 Graphics, with optional Radeon E9173 supports up to six (!) displays at 3840x2160@60Hz
Storage: 16GB-512GB (3 x M.2 slots, one can only be used for wireless cards though, 1Tb module worked in at least 1 of them)
RAM: 4-32GB (64GB Max)
> In March 2023 Eric reported that he was happily using his t740 with 2 x 32GB SODIMMs
"Thin" client 😂🤣😂
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.