Why though? I've never used it for anything serious myself, but it looks like a nice language in its own way, not having the shortcomings of Go and not as complex as Rust — at the very least it appears to be easier to read, the code looks cleaner 😂
I don't like the reliance on LLVM and the fact that it's currently broken on PowerPC, but at least there is no Google-style "Haha, get new hardware" attitude here.
So, Zig indeed appears to be broken on Big Endian machines, even 0.12: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/18100
The issue is rather old, but on the other hand, they don't have the resources of Google and even that of those who work on Rust, so hopefully there'd be a fix sooner or later.
It's like when you're a teenager and someone points out that you do something badly, but instead of listening to that you start doing that twice as badly in an attempt to convince everyone that it's not bad at all — but ultimately no one gets convinced and the only one who gets fooled is yourself. Something similar is what we have here.
@mischievoustomato @Aeder
I lack the ideas that could explain why they would do that on a laptop — okay, phones do not have plenty of screen space so make a tiny hole for the camera and make a UI quirk that would make it look less ugly, but why here? 🙃
@mischievoustomato @Aeder
Spending time (semi)outside does wonders to their appetite 😸
Check out Ctrl+B then (on Macs this is Cmd+B probably) — it reveals a side bar with all your bookmarks and gives you a search box.
It does! You can even prioritise bookmarks and history over search in the url bar — and as I have search from the URL bar completely disabled unless I use a prefix explicitly, that's exactly what I use it for — other than entering URLs of course.
> we hate nvidia
Yes, and what exactly is wrong with that? 😜
ZFS might not be supported by the latest kernels, but it works! BTRFS, well… sometimes it unironically just dies — there were quite a few very prominent cases even here on Fedi. Yes, they should've been doing backups, but that's beside the point.
So it's not the best idea to use it on the server — and on client machine I just don't need any of that!
Like… Firefox? 🤔
Attractive People Are Less Likely To Play Video Games, NBER Study Says https://games.slashdot.org/story/24/08/19/1357254/attractive-people-are-less-likely-to-play-video-games-nber-study-says?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon
@ahimsa_pdx @_maleficentgirl @shanoreily You might like this then. So very smol.
@alexanderniki @Mawoka
I'm not here 🫣
This isn't happening 🎶
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.