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No, I'm writing my own asynchronous I/O library! And no, it's not going to become an absolutely broken cluster fuck like all those already existing ones, this time I'm going to make it right, I swear! 😏

"Is this something from pre-hallucinating computer era?"— some might ask. They don't make them anymore — people started believing their existence itself is a myth 🤪

@cy @RustyBertrand

TBH I also have no idea how that got through. That Clown'sTrike case ticks all the possible boxes — I mean it got deployed to customers on Friday! On Friday for Christ's sake, ha-ha-ha!🤣
This makes me wonder if they have any set procedures at all🤔
But it's not like they are special in this regard, sometimes you work for a company with a well-established brand and everyone expects you never experience stereotypically bad things in your work, but you know — oh, you know!


It's the druids — they always do this 🧙

@echoteecat @ThatCrazyDude
I think that D: partition was created manually, and the recovery one Windows creates itself upon installation by chipping off the free space at the end of its main partition. In fact, if your Windows installation has lives long enough, you might even end up with several 😂
I kid you not, some update made the recovery system no longer fit into the old partition, and Windows was chipping away some free space again to create a new one.

@kaia @gator
I have a liquid soap dispenser in my bathroom at home, but I also had a similarly shaped weird solid soap — mine wasn't phallic shaped, but was mango shaped an flavoured. It looked funny, but in the end it got mushy from moisture and I had to put it away.

Покупать арбуз за деньги в России против правил! Арбуз выигрывают исключительно в честной уличной драке с продавцом 😈

What about that perfectly white CEO who was a CTO at McAfee when they fucked up exactly the same way: by issuing a faulty update that removed svchost? 🤣

I had no idea it could help retrieve the data from other partitions when the disk was failing, in mine it was usually the electronics got fried, so if it happens and you don't have backups, you're royally fucked. Unless you are willing to pay to someone skilled enough to swap it for a board from an identical HDD to retrieve the data😅

I remember there being even earlier reasons for people to be doing this, like FAT16 filesystem not being able to span partitions bigger than… 2 Gigabytes IIRC. Or something like that, so guys had plenty of them: one for system, another one for documents, another one just for games and so on 🤣

So you can just restore the image of your system partition if things go awry and not worry about your documents and other shit? 🤔

Update your configuration to use xf86-input-cat instead of xf86-input-keyboard 😹

m0xEE boosted

Simona Kossak fought to protect Europe's oldest forest.
The locals called her a witch, because she chatted with animals and owned a terrorist-crow, who stole gold and attacked bicycle riders. She spent more than 30 years in a wooden hut in the Białowieża Forest (Poland), without electricity or running water.
A lynx slept in her bed, and a tamed boar lived with her.
She was 1 of the originators of the UOZ-1 repeller, a device that warns wild animals of passing trains.


> and owned a terrorist-crow, who stole gold and attacked bicycle riders
Wow, I need to get myself one of those! 😲
No! Come on, it's not about the gold — I just don't like them cyclists 😏

m0xEE boosted
My Linux computers all work very well, even my Windows PC works.
To ensure that my Windows PC will continue to work, I should consider installing an Enterprise-grade Antivirus with auto-updates in kernel space!

@kaia COVID too!
We should make global disasters a recurring thing to save the planet 😈

m0xEE boosted

#2961 CrowdStrike 

Wow, it turns out that the parameter you pass to "screen -r" to reconnect to a session can match its name partially.
For example, if you have a session named "cmus", to reconnect to it, instead of "screen -r cmus", you can use "screen -r c" — which is shorter.
I've been using screen for literal decades and didn't know that — today I removed too many trailing characters from the parameters and noticed that it still worked 😆

I've made svlogtail an alias for "tail -f /var/log/syslog" and sv a function that calls /usr/sbin/service and swaps the arguments places — and now I can cosplay I'm running Void when using my old EfikaMX with equally old Debian 🤪

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