@genmaicha @newt
How is that different from libertarian ideas such as minarchism? They rely on the same concept of state's monopoly on violence 🤷
Those two are exactly the same idea, but painted with different colours to split people adopting the idea apart and turn them against each other.
@newt @genmaicha
"Classical liberalism" IS essentially libertarianism — the way Hayek conceived it. Some libertarians who decided that sucking up to US conservatives (and sometimes even to those who are much worse) is a good strategy just hijacked the term.
Yeah, I agree!
TBH I'm not, you know… to well-versed in it myself, I've read some Hayek, but his Constitution of Liberty is still resting on the bookshelf untouched 😅
But I did visit a few local libertarian events and I know some of their points.
This is what I'm talking about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolibertarianism
Not in every country libertarians are of this flavour — although to my surprise, even outside US this caught on much more than one could expect, and in the US this is the faction that has taken over the party.
> conservative OF WHAT
Of the imaginary 50s America that never existed of course! 😂
I won't say that's US specific though, I think it's a product of lack of vision of the future or said future not looking too bright. Here in Russia we have lefties like that — admiring USSR that never existed, the one they've seen in Soviet comedies.
It's also due to lack of inter-generational communication — they don't have anyone they trust, who could tell them it's all bullshit. At the same time, there are plenty of charlatans reinforcing the mythological version of the past. Young people just want to believe in something: no great past, bleak future and the present not looking particularly fun — that is too depressing.
There are also cosplayers of US conservatives in Russia. Life around them not looking particularly exciting — so they pick something from Twitter instead, and pretend that Soviet past didn't exist, that their parents were owning houses, not living in concrete human-anthill-style boxes.
TBH I don't even know who's more entertaining: USSR enjoyers born in the 90s or these 🤭
With that said, I would also like to point out that the American-esque political terminology around "conservatism" and "liberalism" has effectively become meaningless, just as the words "fascism" or "nazism" today don't really mean a thing. When we talk about conservative politics, we must first and foremost ask "conservative OF WHAT?" Same goes with liberalism - what liberties do these people stand for exactly? If you put it this way, none of the American republican party is conservative in any way.
I prefer to think of American conservatives as pro-three-letter-agency-and-DoD party, since almost the entire Bush administration was full of spooks and the PATRIOT act is their brainchild. The American liberals on the other hand are just plain old commies. At this point, I fully expect American Fascist party to arise and demand the total abolition of the state, as this would be very fitting.