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@luckytran An EXTREMELY important detail that is on the NYCLU web page briefing about this is that there is a very broad medical exemption, but it is ONLY for people PROTECTING THEMSELVES.

The NYCLU explicitly points out that if you are wearing a mask because you are infected and contagious and are trying to protect OTHERS, that is NOT given an exemption under this law.

They likewise point out that if you are wearing a mask because you live with someone immunocompromised and are trying to protect THEM, that is also NOT given an exemption under this law.

IMPORTANT: If you are wearing a mask in Nassau County and accosted by the police, tell them you are protecting YOURSELF.

(Which, if it's not true, it should be. The first step in not spreading it is not catching it.)

It's important to know your rights! Even though a mask ban is now law in Nassau County, NY, cops can't:

❌Make you provide a doctors note proving your disability
❌Force you to disclose private health info
❌Make you take off a religious face covering

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Ugh. A friend of mine is lecturing people on the use of MS Sharepoint. How can people doing this sort of thing think that they're benefiting the world. They're just not.

JUST NOW: LA Jews & allies with #IfNotNowLA shut down the 405-S freeway on Tisha B'Av to demand an arms embargo on Israel and an immediate ceasefire.

Tisha B’Av is a day of immense sorrow.

Today, we mourn. Today, we say no more. Today, we say #NotAnotherBomb.

📸: Rocky Douieb



In Europe, the Netherlands we have the CEDO, striving to get #Bigtech out of class and from children:

The most horrific use of weapons of mass destruction in history took place sixty-nine years ago this month, when the U.S. detonated atomic bombs over #Hiroshima and, three days later, #Nagasaki. Two hundred thousand people were killed, either by blast and heat or, later, by burns and radiation poisoning. Many others were maimed and disfigured.

What kind of person could think—as Musk and Trump do—that’s no big deal.

I have jury duty next week.

Covid is running rampant in the Bay Area.

I'm at higher risk.

I will wear a mask, and attempt to distance myself from others. (I wear a mask in all indoor settings.)

I revere jury duty (though I've never made it past voir dire).

It absolutely sucks that crowded jury rooms don't have mask mandates.

Masks aren't perfect (or close to perfect) protection. But they are vastly, vastly better than nothing.

I've tagged version 0.0.2 of - a client library.

This release focuses on making Matrix support in more robust, simplifying some APIs and improving the documentation (which is now automatically generated at

See for the list of changes and contributors.

Distressing stuff re: U.S. politics / election 

#Germany introduces a new system for accessing medical data online.
The implementation by my insurer: Android, iOS, Windows, #Snap Store. Sadly, it's not open.

Sensitive data + closed software on user devices = #security nightmare.

(I'm mercifully ignoring the inevitable leak of the central database.)

When will governments and banks learn? There's no security without source code. There's no stability without interoperability.

#opensource #linux #interoperability #publicmoneypubliccode

Distressing stuff re: U.S. politics / election 

Distressing stuff re: U.S. politics / election 

Presumably someone I work with follows me at this point, to whom I say "BITE ME IF YOU THINK ANY OF THIS IS SANE".

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Police at the DNC must let journalists do their jobs.

"When journalists aren’t watching, abuses of peaceful protesters are more likely. The public suffers by being uninformed. The only beneficiaries are officials looking to avoid accountability."

This should not be legal. 😡

“If you make minimum payments toward the average balance ($6,218, according to TransUnion) at the average credit card rate (20.71%), you’ll be in debt for 18 years and will owe more than $9,000 in interest.”

Today's Must-Read (don't worry, it's short):

Maybe Murder and Humiliation is the Whole Point, by Alon Mizrahi

We habitually think that greed and some general mental underdevelopment motivated colonialism and capitalism throughout the centuries. We may be wrong.

Using an already waning problem to try to get everybody onto digital only national currencies (if you don't understand what kind of dystopian realities such a thing would enable, you need to read some more sci-fi). "Addicted to cash," just means "not buying our BS about the inevitability of our plans."

When I was 21 I was told that pregnancy could (and probably would) kill me AND that I was likely infertile.

I asked to have my tubes tied & was told “you’re too young. You may change your mind & want kids.”

🧵 on reproductive health, bodily autonomy & misogyny in medicine.

First off - this was devastating news at such a young age. I had stage 4 endometriosis, a tipped uterus, adenomyosis & other health issues that made pregnancy unlikely AND dangerous.

I was told in the event I became pregnant - they would have to recommend termination.
Abortion would ALSO be risky to my health - though less risky than carrying a pregnancy to term.

Given the threat it seemed perfectly reasonable to request a more fail safe method of birth control (tubal ligation).
I was having laproscopic surgery anyways to try and remove some of the endometriosis - so they were literally already going to be operating. Tying my tubes was a negligible risk compared to the rest of the surgery.
Imagine my shock when I was informed they wouldn’t do it because I might change my mind and want kids.

I asked them whether my “changing my mind” would change my prognosis or their recommendation. Nope. They would still recommend termination.

This was the first time I truly understood how deep misogyny and patriarchal values ran in medicine. My theoretical ability to bear children - whether I wanted them or not and whether it was safe or not - was more important than my health and my life.

It was infuriating. An IUD wasn’t an option for a myriad of reasons so I was stuck on hormonal birth control that I didn’t tolerate well. I was also getting sicker from the endometriosis & adenomyosis… and it quickly became clear a hysterectomy would be best for me.

Given doctors weren’t willing to entertain a tubal ligation - you can only imagine how they felt about a hysterectomy. Same tired arguments about how I could change my mind, I was too young, what if I met a man who wanted kids blah blah blah.

I got these responses from male and female physicians - all of whom were willing to let my health significantly deteriorate rather than “make me barren”. None of whom listened to what I wanted to do with MY body.

I continued to push for surgery because I knew it was what I needed - and was forced to undergo multiple psych evaluations. I heard everything from “don’t you want to be a mother” to “what if you meet the man of your dreams & he leaves you because you can’t have kids?.”

How is it appropriate to ask ANY woman these questions? Let alone a woman who has been told - repeatedly - that pregnancy would put her life in jeopardy? It was as though they thought something was wrong with me because I didn’t want to risk my life for a hypothetical baby. 1/2

#womenshealth #endometriosis #EDS #ehlersdanlossyndrome #pregnancy #gynecology #obgyn #abortion #reproductivehealth #reproductiverights #abortionIShealthcare #patriarchy #misogyny #Disability #Ableism #Denial #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #MaskUp #Spoonie #Discrimination #Dysautonomia #mecfs #pots #mcas #communitycare #wearamask #chronicillness #DisabilityRights #hysterectomy #hystersisters

#Elsevier employee fired for speaking up about greenwashing... like its not even greenwashing #RELX straight up sells informatics tools to fossil fuel companies based off academic geology research to target fossil fuel exploration.

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