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Join PM Press at Autumn Leaves, our bookstore in Ithaca NY, to launch the new book Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism with a talk and discussion with co-editor Matthew N. Lyons.

Details can be found here:

Meet Tim Dunn: the ultraconservative billionaire pastor spending millions to protect his oil – and elect Trump - what a combo: an extreme right-wing fossil fuel billionaire religious nut

I recently did a lengthy interview with the Blockhead comics podcast. We talked about politics a lot!

Biden’s refusal to step aside is a microcosm of an entire civilization at an impasse. We all know that industrial capitalism is accelerating climate change along with mass extinctions and ecological collapse, but we keep delegating our agency to representatives who answer to the corporations and don’t give a damn about us. We know that entrusting our future to a ruling class that consists of some of the most self-serving people on the planet is not going to make us safe, but we keep voting for them and working for them and buying their wares. We know that burying our heads in the sand is not going to work out for us, but we’re terrified by the prospect of having to recognize ourselves as the ones who must bring about change through our own actions.

The summer COVID surge has firmly taking hold in Boston Metro, and looks rather stronger than last year's:

Here's a list of public libraries offering access (including ebooks) to books that have been banned after campaigns by right-wing extremists around the country. They're available to people 13-21 years of age.

Pass it around.

Interest rates go down: prices go up, wages go up less. Interest rates go up: wages stagnate, people get laid off and can only find work at lower wages, if they can at all.

I think workers are actually better off with high inflation as long as it comes with low unemployment, because it causes people to start organizing. And only organizing can actually increase real wages. Because wages come from power.

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EFF also creates free tools that help solve the problems of sneaky tracking, inconsistent encryption, and more. You can check them out here!

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Ursula K. Le Guin: “We live in capitalism—its power seems inescapable, but so did the divine right of kings.”

All PM Press t-shirts are 20% off for the rest of the month with coupon code “TEE”:

Exciting news! Our first just went into the voting round. Check out the amazing 'symbiotic' themed games created by our community. These free software games showcase the power of open-source gaming. Play them now at

Sometimes it feels like contracting consists of being paid to wait while everyone argues over what to do next, then being paid to explain why we're behind schedule without pointing out how long it took for everyone to argue over what to do next.

“We fight for ourselves. We do not engage in representative struggles. We do not fight for ideology, or for the proletariat, or for ‘the people.’ We fight for a self-determined life.”

From a set of "Autonomous Theses" drafted by a group of militants in Italy in 1981.

Just saw a Fedi poll asking who people would vote for in the 2024 Presidential race, with the only options being the three frontrunners.

Here's a poll better pitched for the audience around here.

Who will you vote for in the U.S. Presidential race?

Do/Have you used a CD/DVD/Bluray in a while?

What about burning a disk?

I'm surveying modern day awareness/usage of optical media, mostly to confirm some demographic theories, so if you know what a CD/DVD is, please help me (and maybe others) out by answering some ~10 questions here:

And then please boost for better visibility! Thank you!

I've been asked to write a book by a Real Publisher. The topic was a collection of thoughts on issues in the industry, leadership, etc.

Pros: I have control over the book.

Cons: Publisher has an extremely poor reputation in the tech community.

Does anyone here have experience self-publishing (probably my preference, I just want a physical copy for spiritual reasons) or know someone at a good publisher that might enjoy my writing? I'll have talks with these folks, but can probably do better.

The Washington Post asks: "Severe heat wave in the West is making history. How much longer will it continue?"

About a century or more, depending on how we finally chose to tackle human-caused climate change.

Google PR sure is taking its sweet time getting back to me about the finding that Chrome has a hidden extension that allows all * domains to monitor your CPU usage and other private system info. I'm sure they're working just as fast as they can.

What can you say to people who claim their life was easier under fascist rule, but "Welcome to freedom!"?

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