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This Hacker Tool Extracts All the Data Collected by Windows’ New Recall AI
Windows Recall takes a screenshot every 5 seconds. Cybersecurity researchers say the system is simple to abuse—& 1 ethical hacker has already built a tool to show how easy it really is.

A friend just pointed out:

"ADHD creates impulse control issues and, consequently, advertising takes advantage of a disability.  Ergo, ad blockers are assistive devices and interfering with their operation for commercial gain constitutes a willful violation of the ADA."

Let’s do this.

Join us for the Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence
The weekend of September 7th and 8th, 2024

Amid the crushing destruction wrought by the sprawling military-industrial complex and the recuperation of the hack by capitalist tech bros, anarchist resistance exists within the cadaverous monster of Leviathan itself.

The Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence is an opportunity for anarchists to discuss and explore the potential roles of technology in our lives and struggles. Let's learn about security best practices, self-hosted autonomous ways of connecting and finding each other, and media projects that allow us to form international communities of solidarity and how to build stuff out of garbage left behind by capitalism.

The first Purism Free Software Game Jam is almost here, scheduled for June 10th! Join us in creating free software games to promote freedom-respecting software and hardware. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of shaping the future of open-source gaming!

If you're into anarchist podcasts, but haven't checked out the Child and Its Enemies from the Channel Zero Network, do yourself a favour and give the latest episode a listen.

I have to wonder how much Microsoft has a hand in Servo.

hosted and Linux Foundation "Europe" sponsered. Here's what has to say on LFE.

, a convicted, anticompetitive, monopolist, has been known to be collecting user data since the 90s, has been known to intentionally put backdoors in their operating system, has been stealing intellectual property via its AI,and has generally shown a disdain for users.
...and people are saying that Recall is the last straw?

Indigenous peoples have been steadily warning about the impacts of renewable energy development on their lands and communities, but some see a way to harness this trend for the positive.

Experts say Indigenous communities can play a leading role in the clean energy transition through partnerships that allow them to produce and benefit from renewable energy projects.

by Sarah Sax

#News #Conservation #Environment #IndigenousPeoples #Energy

Saw that Microsoft saying it’s a website’s fault if your password gets swept up by Recall if the site doesn’t cloak the password entry field following “standard internet protocols” which completely ignores the accessibility case for showing someone what they’ve typed in to their password field. Pretty sure every password manager lets you do this, and a ton of sites as well.

What a head-in-the-sand take.

... turns out they need a 'Material Safety Data Sheet' (MSDS) for anything that contains a LiPo battery, even a fairly tiny one like the cases have. Ugh - try finding an MSDS on an OEM website. No chance. Such a freaking pain in the neck. So many barriers to repairability and conservation.

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A must-read from @ProPublica: New investigation details "significant financial benefits" that have gone from Trump world to witnesses in his court cases -- is not surprising, in a way.

Only the latest, and perhaps starkest yet, reminder that it's all corruption, all the time in Trump world.

I hear that Trump apparatchiks were trying to get this article suppressed, so please read it and pass along the link to everyone you know.

If anybody is wondering if you can enable Recall on a machine remotely without Copilot+ hardware support - yep.

I’ve also found a way to disable the tray icon.

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Join us for a workshop with Senior Policy Advisor at OFE, Ciarán O’Riordan on how we can influence legislation in favor of software freedom on July 1, 2024:

it is not useful to tell people who do not control what operating system they use at work to use a different operating system at work.

Wow, the German government spends 197.7 million euro on Microsoft licenses. Think how many open source developers you can pay with that much money.

I wish this article came out before I wrote this blog post:

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