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Every now and then people wonder how to replace 's on screen keyboard and what interfaces are needed. Here's some notes on that:

:TwinPines: First #Union #Coops office hours from the USFWC's Union-Coops Council January 16th, 12pm ET.

Ask your questions about how to cooperatize your union or unionize your co-op. Free and open to the public.

50 years ago this month, the first strike in space happened.

"In December 1973, the workers on the Skylab 4 space station had been set a punishing schedule, and mission commander Jerry Carr had argued that “We would never work 16 hours a day for 84 straight days on the ground, and we should not be expected to do it here in space.”..."

Facebook is being overrun with stolen, AI-generated images that people think are real. Engagement bait pages use a "seed" image, clone it, then post it dozens of times across pages. People on FB think it's real.

Meanwhile Brazil’s Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) is working on auctioning off new blocks for oil exploration, including some in the Amazon Basin:

Not all of the news is good.

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Still, the rapid progress is impressive.

Lula's electoral victory was terrifyingly narrow, and this month Brazil's Congress passed legislation undermining Lula's progress toward re-empowering indigenous land-defenders:

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The Balaji Fund, backed by Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong and other wealthy tech players, aims to fund “Network States” free of ‘overbearing’ regulations.

I’m sure nothing will go wrong…


there is no shame to use all the social services you have paid with your taxes, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A WHITE, MID/HIGH INCOME EARNER.

welfare is racialized in this country to deprive all Americans of the social services WE PAY for.

it’s imperative y’all flood social services offices because if you don't, that's why the griftocracy keeps cutting local, state & federal budgets.

so here’s what you can do after losing your job:


Btw the Netherlands recorded the highest number of viral covid particles in sewershed ever this week and things aren't going much better in the US, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark. And that's just the ones I personally know of. And we haven't even hit Christmas and NYE yet

So this winter may just become the literal worst one on record for covid since the pandemic began, just in case you still think covid is over, or even just believe the covid situation is overall improving

The #FreePalestine reversible bandana in English and Arabic is a benefit for Palestine Legal, which provides legal advice to activists and affected communities who stand for justice in Palestine.

Learn more, get one, or donate directly at

The national election protection hotline (I do legal volunteer work for them) asked me to share information about them on social media.

Here is their website:

If you are a lawyer and want to volunteer, there is a place to contact them.

(I like doing back office research, so I spent a few dozen hours last year researching changes in state election laws and writing up summaries so the hotline workers have the information handy.)

Hello Fediverse!

We're making this account to promote the Heart of the Valley Anticapitalist Bookfair which will be happening in Corvallis, Oregon in ONE MONTH!!!

We have three days jam-packed with more than 15 book talks, parties, and workshops. That you won't want to miss!

There will also be dozens of awesome vendors like @anarchotranshuman, @nobonzo, @crimethinc, @DetritusBooks, @certaindays @RRFM_corvallis, @pmpress, @naceugene, and like... a whole bunch of other ones I can't find on here.

All the info you need can be found at

@dangillmor @paul it's premature... To block facebook from federating with mastodon? Did I miss something? There were millions of people on mastodon with no interest reconnecting with those networks, and now suddenly there are "2 sides"? Lol this is absurd.

Elon Musk scared millions of additional people away from Twitter, and they came here along with this argument. Nobody was asking to reconnect to those networks.

Cupid by @GumpyFunction is a delight. Fiendish sliding block puzzle with cute funny cartoon graphics and dogs. It's a Game Boy Color ROM so you can play it on anything, use an emulator, flash it to a cart and play it on a real console, emulate it on your phone, load it onto your #gameDad (best option IMHO) or even play it in the browser at, pay what you want, minimum $0.00

(if this gives you the oh-no-what-if-it's-actually-good anxiety you can pay $0.00 now (no login needed!) and then go back and buy it again for $something)

I don't know Gumpy Function and have never spoken to him before so I hope he doesn't mind me posting his game here

Thanks to pro-competition regulators -- in Europe, not the U.S. -- Adobe's blatantly monopolistic buyout of Figma has been blocked.

This is good news for everyone but monopolists and the people they enrich by screwing everyone else.

Intuit-owned MailChimp goes virulently anti-union. I remember when Intuit was an honorable company, but that was decades ago.

Retail theft went down and the national retailers federation had to admit 5% not 50% of theft was from criminal gangs. This whole panic was concocted to close underperforming and unionized stores and the media bought it.

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