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Privacy experts are shocked and astounded Inland Revenue had no idea it had breached the privacy of more than a quarter of a million taxpayers. Reporter Phil Pennington spoke to Guyon Espiner.

I voted today in Alabama. This often feels like a classic Quixotic windmill-tilt and in terms of the electoral college it almost definitely is. On the other hand, what if on this one day the women of Alabama came together and ratfucked the Republican party so hard that it led to the most glorious upset of all glorious upsets? I'd like to say I was part of that.

The windmill almost never falls, but it's worth trying to topple and feels really fucking great when it does.

What makes it really bad is that it's one of the churches that splitered from the Methodist church to remain less LGBTQ+ friendly.

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Longest line I've stood in to vote, I think. Last one was Obama. Bad part is it's in a church, and they're playing some Christian music station. Fucking offensive!

Personal fireworks are a lot like Jetskis. Yeah, they're moderately fun for those using them - with fun seeming to be inversely proportional to intellect... but annoying to pretty much everyone else and without any practical utility. They're just a waste of carbon budget. There. I've said it.

#ElectionDay is just around the corner! If you need a ride to the ballot box, we’ve got you covered.

This year, NAACP has partnered with
@lyft to provide discounted rides to help voters get to the polls.

Use the code NAACPVOTE24 while supplies last. #NAACPVotes


🔈 💼 WE’RE HIRING: The Citizen Lab is seeking a highly motivated Systems and Security Administrator. We are looking for a network administrator to manage and support the Lab’s information security needs, carrying a range of information technology-related responsibilities.

Apply by Nov 15.

#JobOpportunity #TechCareers

One of my readers posted this article and I enjoyed it quite a bit:

They started complaining about the MIT licence! The SFJKSJFDKL MIT licence!!!

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software

The wording of “person” might not apply to a “company”?

We are on ULP strike. We gave #NYTimes management months of notice of our strike deadline, we made ourselves available around the clock, but the company has decided that our members aren’t worth enough to agree to a fair contract and stop committing unfair labor practices.

#Union #Unions #Tech #Election #Election2024 #Labor #Strike #CollectiveBargaining #Contract #NewsGuild #CWA #Solidarity

agx was already taken on fosstodon so with a background I'll move my presence to . Hope to see you there.

I'll set up the account move as well in a couple of days but as that has a 30d cooling off period let's see if things work out over there.

🙏 for the service !

Luxon's government is betting the country on a scientific breakthrough to save us from climate change. Meanwhile they are full speed ahead on fossil fuel industries while cutting science budgets to the bone. Make it add up.

Can anyone point me to resources on how to report trouble -- e.g. right-wing intimidation -- at polling places?

One way this election affects me personally is that I could lose my health insurance through the ACA, which has allowed me to be self-employed all these years. For a refresher on what healthcare was like for freelancers pre-ACA, see this autobio comic from 2012.

#Palestine / More than 100 BBC staff accuse broadcaster of Israel bias in Gaza coverage

The letter highlights several editorial commitments that the #BBC should implement, such as making it clear when there is insufficient evidence to back up #Israeli claims, including regular historical context predating October 2023, and robustly challenging Israeli government and military representatives in all interviews.

The BBC has denied these claims, insisting that it strives to live up to its responsibility to deliver the most trusted and impartial news. However, the signatories of the letter insist that the bias favors Israel, citing examples such as dehumanizing and misleading headlines, omissions of coverage, and a lack of emphasis on Israel's role in certain events.

[…] Other concerns raised by staff include omissions of coverage, such as the failure to live broadcast South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice on 11 January but choosing to live broadcast Israel’s defence the following day.


@Outpatientzero @aral yep, I'll vote Harris, and I'll celebrate when Trump loses, but pretending she is a good candidate representing good policy, or that her winning means we have a healthy democracy, nope.

US election, my general thoughts 

The concern here is that old search engines can give you links and you can go into them to verify the content. AI taking over our search engines hides the sources of information, forcing us to blindly trust the AI and wherever it got its information from.


The very stable system that has enabled humans to plan and grow food at massive scales, which also allowed our species to grow to 8+ billion, is no longer stable for first time in our species history.

Let not sugar coat the reality of the situation.

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