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if you work with linux in production roles, you probably want to cancel any fun things you had planned for September 30th and make sure your snack cupboard is well-stocked

"You can't tax your way to prosperity"... The heck you can't! You can certainly tax your way to equity, which, frankly, is prosperity for 80% of people. Maybe more.

Love to get a food stain in my writing notebook. It's like a highlighter for "I was more into eating Doritos here than whatever garbage I wrote."

#flohmarkt goes international!
we have finished #i18n and are now ready for #localization

🇳🇱 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇩🇰

These are the five #language s we're starting with! If you want to help with #translation s, you can do so under

if you want to add another locale, open an issue on codeberg and we'll hit you up :)

Compact #kei trucks were briefly banned in Massachusetts this summer for allegedly being "unsafe" but the Commonwealth has since changed course; the controversy reflects how American regulations prioritize safety for people inside motor vehicles at the expense of safety for everyone else.

Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee is set to vote on a bill that would re-open the door to the worst software patents, and even patents on human genes.

"Gangs peddle misery and intimidation throughout our communities, and *this* government is determined to give police and the courts the powers *they need* to deal with them."

Some NatACT First demagogue, 2024

These governing parties peddle misery and intimidation throughout our communities, and this population is determined to take back the powers *we* need to deal with them.

#podcasts #RNZ #FocusOnPolitics

"America's corporate titans are sitting at a giant table, in a roman-columned fortress just one block from the Oval Office, where their pal Jerry is now literally the 'leader of the free world', and somehow they perceive themselves as the victims struggling for acceptance.

Imagine Darth Vader and the Emperor at the control panel of the Death Star, lamenting that they're unpopular and have no power."

#podcasts #TheLever #MasterPlan #corporatism #neoliberalism

Are you serious about #photography on #Linux ?

Then you probably used #code derived from #dcraw . It's an amazing store of information about developing raw pictures.

But there's one problem.

It's write-only code. My mind goes blank when I read it.

Thankfully, someone started a readable library for raw files, called #libopenraw :

I ported Panasonic #decompression and made it possible to understand :D

(#Fedora plz package it)

#opensource #programming #freesoftware

Actual exchange that happened during my first marriage:

Brother In Law: [tells a racist "joke"]
Me: not cool. you won't say racist shit around me.
BIL: or what?
Me: or I won't be around you.
BIL: it wasn't even racist
Me: yes it was. you won't do it around me.
BIL: whatever. (under breath) bitch.

Later, at Thanksgiving dinner:
BIL: [tells a second racist "joke" at the dinner table]
Me: [gets up and gets my keys and prepares to leave]
Mother in Law: where's she going??
Husband: I don't know. Lana, where are you going?
Me: I'm leaving.
MIL: why??
Me: ask your son.

Then I left. Later that evening I got an apology from BIL, and a promise to not say racist shit, at least around me. He tested it a second time, at a different family get together. I got up and started for my car. I got an immediate apology from him for his behavior.

Look, it's not a lot. But it's a start. Stick to your guns, folks, particularly around the holidays. Hold them accountable for their racist words and actions. Deplatforming racists works.

All righty, we're going live in 30 minutes. Other panelists include the former CDO of Yahoo, who is more bullish on AI than I am and we will possibly knife fight, and an AI ethicist/lawyer

I think anyone is able to jump on and ask questions as things go, so if anyone has time to kill, make me look hip and trendy:

"Environmentalism without class struggle is just gardening." ~Chico Mendes (1944-1988)

People love framing complaints as coming from disgruntled employees, but I feel like gruntled (real word!) employees aren't necessarily less suspicious by any stretch.

Some of the people that cause the most harm to others with their work are the most gruntled sons of bitches I've ever met.

Also, like a kid in a candy store, I've just upgraded my Forgejo instance from 7.0.5 to 8.0.3. It just keeps getting better. Relentlessly. Great work Forgejo community!

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A solid decision: Forgejo drops MS SQL Server support, "because it's not Free Software". It' incompatible with the project's values. Boom. Love it.

I'll be tabling at CXC this weekend in Columbus in my Ohio homeland. Come down, get some comics, and I'll have original art to sell for the first time in a while. Looking forward to seeing beautiful green paper money again!

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