A federal appellate court rules that California’s Age-Appropriate Design Code violates the First Amendment, a victory for free speech and privacy.
#privacy #censorship
InterRebellium is an upcoming documentary project from subMedia about the historic wave of protests and uprisings that broke out around the globe between late 2018 and mid 2020. It is planned as a limited ten-part series, featuring interviews with anarchists, anti-colonial militants, and other front-line revolutionaries from: Ecuador; Chile; Haiti; France; Hong Kong; Lebanon; Iraq; Sudan; Canada; and The United States.
We are looking to collaborate with anarchists or other revolutionaries who participated in the uprisings in each of the countries listed above. We're particularly keen to work with local anarchist media collectives, filmmakers, podcasters, etc. If this sounds like you, get in touch with us at crew [at] sub [dot] media.
We will be raising funds to help anarchists on location with travel costs, video and audio gear at https://www.gofundme.com/f/interrebellium
How 12,000 Tonnes of Dumped Orange Peel Grew Into a Landscape Nobody Expected to Find
‘"This is one of the only instances I've ever heard of where you can have cost-negative carbon sequestration," says ecologist Timothy Treuer from Princeton University.’
Special Livestream tonight!
The Democracy At Work Network (DAWN) was a peer-to-peer worker cooperative support organization that was conceptualized and run by worker-owners. Tonight, we are joined by @johnnymac and Jim Johnson, two of DAWN's co-founders, to discuss how the Network was founded, what it accomplished during it's existence, and how and why it was brought to an end without the input of the network's members.
While memory is still fresh I summed up my gist from helping to organize/run this years #FOSSOnMobile devroom at #FrOSCon: (https://honk.sigxcpu.org/con/A_short_look_back_at_the_FOSS_on_Mobile_Devroom_at_FrOSCon_2024.html) in the hope that we can do another one next year (and there'd be people interested to participate again).
Did you miss a talk at #FrOSCon? Some recordings are already available here: https://media.ccc.de/c/froscon2024 with more to follow
#froscon2024 #froscon19
#WealthTax on super-rich could raise £1.5tn globally, campaigners say - https://www.theguardian.com/news/article/2024/aug/19/wealth-tax-on-super-rich-could-raise-15tn-globally-campaigners-say "The Tax Justice Network said trillions could be raised with a ‘featherlight’ tax on the 0.5% of richest households, copying a current Spanish tax"
“Former Microsoft security architect showcases 15 different ways to break Copilot | Windows Central”
LLM chatbot are notoriously hard to secure but MS's Copilot looks like a shit show completely in its own league.
"... a government which refuses to tax billionaires is a traitor to its people. And we should treat them as such."
Why and how to teach students about F(L)OSS? The recordings of my #FroSCOn talk about this topic are online now:
Abstract and slides live here:
Again, many thanks to all who made #FrOSCon19 possible!
"You don’t get a bill when a fire truck comes to your house. You do get a bill when an ambulance comes to your house. The only reason why this strikes anyone as normal is custom. Fire departments are publicly owned."
"While I get why both sides are hurling weird bombs at each other, I’m nevertheless not on board with all the “weird shaming.” It isn’t just hypocritical for each party to claim to speak on behalf of the forgotten and marginalized while mockingly calling the other side weird. It’s also deeply regressive." ~Connor Gallagher
Our driving habits are sold by car companies to data brokers for pennies, ranging from a mere 26 cents per car up to 61 cents per car. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/07/senators-expose-car-companies-terrible-data-privacy-practices
‘Nobody ever saw anything like this before’: how #methane emissions are pushing the #Amazon towards environmental catastrophe - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/aug/17/methane-climate-crisis-amazon-peat-permafrost-vegan-heat-pumps "As the world heats up, methane released from thawing permafrost and warming tropical wetlands is intensifying climate breakdown. But curbing it is achievable"
Failure to deal with #mpox outbreak ‘is risk not just to Africa but whole world’ - https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/aug/17/failure-to-deal-with-mpox-outbreak-is-risk-not-just-to-africa-but-whole-world are we really this stupid? (rhetorical question)
I am braver than the media that refuses to publish the Trump campaign's leaked emails. https://www.dailykos.com/story/2024/8/16/2263503/-Cartoon-Leaked-emails-from-the-Trump-campaign
"The precept against not taking what is not given comes to encompass the largest forms of theft today: theft of surplus labor value, private property & wages. Whenever a worker does not fully receive the value of their labor, the capitalist effectively steals that surplus value. When a boss withholds duly owed wages and tips for themselves, they steal the wages of the workers. Private property is an institution that seeks to legitimize the theft of...collective...land."
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa