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Hah! I dunno. I think MSFT overrate their chances. I'd say that their lack of competence is only exceeded by their hubris. Back in 2016, I explained why I think MSFT is in decline, and nothing's really changed:

Apple TV+ was a reasonable deal at $69 per year and a little less so at $7/month. It's not a good deal, IMO, at $10/month and $100/year.

So when our annual subscription runs out next spring, we'll just cancel -- as we've done with almost all of the streaming services -- and renew periodically for a month at a time to catch up on service exclusives we really want to watch.

The streamers seem convinced there's no price elasticity in what they offer.

Prove them wrong.

When national diarrheal outbreaks are named "Crypto" you know that blockchain has gone too far. Talk about a run on the bank...

#blockchain #crypto

This beautifully illustrated and horrifying photo-essay documents the experiences of so many of Australia's best and brightest scientists who've been studying the biodiversity and climate crises for decades -- Dana M. Bergstrom, David Karoly, Professor Euan Ritchie, Nerilie Abram and more.

Many are only speaking out now that they've retired; but their experiences are similar to what many of us have witnessed, no matter where we are.

"Requiring reporters to face contempt before they can appeal may discourage them from insisting on their First Amendment right to protect confidential sources by taking their objection to a higher court," writes FPF Deputy Director of Advocacy Caitlin Vogus.

This is a really good talk. Explains why getting non-profits and activists with little money into #FLOSS is a lot more difficult than just saying "Hey, this exists! Use this instead!"

A new tool lets artists add invisible changes to the pixels in their art before they upload it online so that if it’s scraped into an AI training set, it can cause the resulting model to break in chaotic and unpredictable ways.

Hey there. In short I'm looking for potential donors as I need a live liver transplant. I've set up a bunch of information and links over at -

Even if you cannot help me directly, please share this with others. There is bound to be someone out there that can help. 

Thank you all in advance.

#art #anthro #ginpu #liver #pbc #livelivertransplant #transplant #AIH #PrimaryBiliaryCholangitis

@lightweight Also, the O365 encryption is pretty shit. I've once looked into it, and they even fell for the basic crypto newbie boo boos in their implementation. Plus, it's not end-to-end, but server-side encryption only.

MS Cryptography FAIL

... my concerns to their senior IT team...' and she sent it via an 'encrypted' Microsoft Office 365 email, which required me to request a one-time key to read it. I responded that using any Microsoft technology for security was the fastest way to convince me that their organisation was a lost cause. I'm sure she's unaware all their MSFT data is available, without subpoena, to the US' spy agency , the NSA thanks to the US Cloud & Patriot acts. 🤦


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I'm thinking of blocking access to content on my site to anyone not running an ad blocker.


:TwinPines: "We, concerned members of REI Co-op, believe it is crucial for the health of our cooperative that our Board of Directors act in accordance with the central principle all cooperatives are founded on, “democratic member control.” As REI Co-op has grown, this main principle has been significantly weakened by Board actions and no longer plays a critical role in the governing practices of our co-op."

shouldn't only be concerned with evaluating current development practices; it should also be exploring best paths to the next level of development practices. It should be able to guide development productivity with actual measures of productivity. It should not only be able to tell you that you are wasting time with 3GL programming, but also tell you how much time is being wasted.

Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism.
Don't let that fear that has been cultivated for decades dictate how you stand up for humanity. There are many anti-zionist jews who speak out.

Innocent people are being slaughtered in the thousands from US/EU backed colonial apartheid state.

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'“Please consider how crazy this system is,” Boyd told delegates from scores of nations attending the hearing. “States that are trying to tackle the climate and environmental crisis and safeguard the human rights of their people are being forced to pay billions of dollars in compensation to the very corporations that have caused this crisis. Instead of making polluters pay, states are paying polluters.”

We need sharper, principled policy makers.


5.3 metres – the degree of sea level rise now unavoidable from West Antarctic Ice Sheet melting ALONE – is sufficient to entirely submerge most of urban Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai, and an enormous area of southern Iraq (Qatar gets off surprisingly lightly).

Are they sure they want to pump YET MORE oil?


:TwinPines: GEO Weekly Newsletter is out! This week we're celebrating two new inductees to the #Cooperative Hall of Fame: Linda Leaks and Halena Wilson 🎉

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