PyCon UK

🎤✨ Thinking about giving a talk at PyCon UK 2025 but never spoken publicly before? Or maybe you have, but a little encouragement wouldn’t go amiss? 🎤✨

We’ve got you! 🐍💚

Check out our latest blog post, jam-packed with tips, advice, resources & inspiration to help get you started 💡👉

#PyConUK2025 #manchester #development #Python #CFP #SoftwareEngineering #TechConference

Why should you give a talk at PyCon UK 2025? – PyCon UK 2025

PyCon UK Friday 19th September to Monday 22nd September…

#itch #gamedev #programming #devlog concerning #softwareEngineering

Listing and defending the best conjunction of #commonLisp packages and programming strategy I can muster. A part one out of two or possibly three.

At one point I say "lisp is the best" and then give a specific example of some python changes over the last ten years. Please consider my whole point, which is clearly and specifically about LISP's age compared to other languages.

My Programming principles for game dev 1/2 - lispmoo2 by screwtape

1. Intro Game dev is the best extant programming. Boring,…
Dev Leader

The latest issue of my newsletter is available! It's 100% free to read before the issues are archived, so check it out!

Keepin' It Together

#SoftwareEngineering #dotnet #csharp #newsletter

Keepin' It Together

Dev Leader Weekly 87
:archlinux: :neovim:

I'd like to get more #rss of blogs or news about the #softwareEngineering #foss #floss #SoftwareDevelop #fediverse Could you share some RSS to me?

Anders Stenberg

Ok, so the UI editor thing is coming along. But, it's faaar from being actually usable and I don't know if it ever will be. It was mostly an experiment to dev the UI system, and that's starting to be more or less usable.

But the UI XML is pretty awful, so without an editor I need another format. I haven't found an existing that fits so I probably need to do something custom, and that's a whole new project i don't know if I want to dive into. 😭

#cpp #SoftwareEngineering

Dmitry Kudryavtsev

I got nostalgic about old style #phpBB #forum

Would you be willing to join an old school forum centered around computers (software and hardware) in English?

#forum #phpbb #computers #Technology #tech #software #hardware #programming #softwaredevelopment #opensource #linux #community #softwareengineering #SelfHosting #homelab

Matthew Turland

If you had to explain #OAuth2 to a relatively new SWE who only had a bit of experience interacting with public APIs from a frontend UI, are there any specific beginner-friendly online resources you'd recommend to them?

#OAuth #Authentication #SoftwareEngineering #SoftwareDevelopment #Education


🚀 Java: Still the go-to choice for enterprise software! In her latest article, Karakun expert @ixchelruiz explores Java’s adaptability, stability, and new features that make it a strong contender for future-proof solutions. 🌍✨


🔍 Ready to build future-proof software? Let’s discuss how our experts can help! #EnterpriseSoftware #Innovation #DeveloperHub #Java #SoftwareEngineering

Dev Leader

The latest issue of my newsletter is available! It's 100% free to read before the issues are archived, so check it out!

My Manager REFUSES To Give Feedback!

#SoftwareEngineering #dotnet #csharp #newsletter

My Manager REFUSES To Give Feedback!

Dev Leader Weekly 86
Arnold Franke

Reflecting on past hypes in software development after 18 years in the industry.

Things that lived up to their hype:

Agile Software Development
RESTful API Design
Domain Driven Design
Event Driven Architecture
Team Topologies

Things that didn't live up to their hype:

Hexagonal Architecture
Event Sourcing
Reactive Programming

Things in between:

Machine Learning

To be seen:


#SoftwareEngineering #coding #DDD #DevOps


🎉 Weiterer Neuzugang: Willkommen bei #Karakun, Kevin Zogg!

Nach Jahren im Machine Learning & Full Stack Development suchte Kevin mehr Vielfalt - und fand sie bei uns! 🚀

Warum Karakun? „Ein ehemaliger Mitstudent hat mich aufmerksam gemacht - und die Vielfalt an Kundenprojekten hat mich überzeugt.“

Fun Fact: Kevins erste Zeilen Code entstanden mit 8 Jahren, weil ihn ein MS-DOS-Spiel enttäuschte. 😄

#WelcomeToKarakun #SoftwareEngineering #SoftwareDevelopment

Jack Linke 🦄

Talk me out of building a Neo4j implementation in parallel to my existing PostgreSQL db (with a subset of tables as nodes) for queries that tend to be more "graph-like" in nature.

In particular, I'm thinking about things like failure analysis, predictive maintenance, etc in relation to the infrastructure I model as a directed acyclic graph.

Is this just my #ADHD wanting to try something new, or could I actually find value in this side-quest? 😬

#Modeling #SoftwareEngineering #Database #Graphs


It took me a while after academia to realize one does not have to compete to be the best or most skilled or other kind of rockstar person to be valuable.

Nowadays, I still strive to be good and skilled in what I do for money (because #softwareengineering is interesting and fun), but I also strive to not be special. I strive to be exchangeable. I try to be humble.

And I must say: This is really freeing. I can go on vacation (or get ill) and the work will still be done by others. So good.


Not just that, all that tracking...
A clear violation of human privacy at its extreme!

Furthermore, there's this crew that I like to call "The Mafia of LinkedIn"...

They keep selling you all that junk about #softskills in #softwareengineering trying to "make you a better engineer"...

Giving all that crap...

Just promoting, repeating and reposting one another...

No true value there, just a bunch of influencers trying to get more followers.

Bhavani Shankar 💭
@mdione @jean_dupont
In addition to a distraction free desktop, I don't connect or use the browser much during focused work. I mostly get by with:

Local first dev setup
Offline docs
Language sources

I make my commits and connect to push them at the end of the session.

#productivity #softwareengineering #linux #offline
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