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One of the things that drives me nuts about the modern Web is that you could write a plain text file, save it as "index.html", and it will display just fine. And everyone seems to have forgotten this.

A new report from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board shedding light on abuses of Section 702 surveillance make the demands of civil liberties groups for reform even more pressing. The government simply shouldn't be able to access Americans' communications collected under 702 and other intelligence authorities without a warrant.

We joined 90 organizations led by Defending Rights & Dissent to call for charges against Cop City protesters to be dropped. Prosecutors citing talking to reporters, recording cops and distributing zines to prove supposed RICO violations is especially worrisome when the govt is already weaponizing vague legislation from the Espionage Act to computer fraud laws against journalists and their sources.

Allowing governments to install spyware on journalists’ phones isn’t an issue that needs a “nuanced approach,” no matter what politicians say.

EU law should unconditionally ban governments from using spyware against journalists.

A fed judge ruled a Chicago alderman violated the First Amendment by blocking critics from official social media sites. Ald. Jim Gardiner claimed he was immune from suit because he acted in good faith but the judge rightly found it was so obvious that his actions were unconstitutional that he isn’t entitled to the benefit of the doubt. It’s crucial that courts continue rejecting these antics so journalists and others can access officials’ comments on public business.

Malicious advertisements are now being injected into Microsoft's AI-powered Bing Chat responses, promoting fake download sites that distribute malware. Be very careful opening ads in Bing Chat or Windows Copilot!

Who wants to convert Bandcamp to a co-op?

“Epic will also sell Bandcamp, a music distribution platform Epic acquired in March 2022, Sweeney wrote.”

#N8VoicesBack Sioux Falls Action This Saturday, Sept. 30
September 28, 2023

"Immediate action against ethnocide is needed this week on Saturday, September 30, in the Oceti Sakowin Oyate homelands!

This week at The Great Plains History Conference in Sioux Falls, SD, conference organizers knowingly centered ethnic fraud Dr. Kent Blansett as keynote speaker and headliner."

A panel of actual Native elders and scholars are slotted to follow Blansett. #Pretendianism

I just finished @kashhill 's new book Your Face Belongs To Us. It's a very interesting journey not just through the history and capabilities of Clearview AI, but the overall history of facial recognition.

Highly recommended for people interested in privacy and civil liberties, and for anyone curious about the past, present and future of facial recognition.

#privacy #AI

Annals of corporate crime, part 647,803: Philips profited from medical breathing machines that maimed and killed patients -- and kept its malfeasance secret for a decade.

Journalists and the public are being shut out of the most important antitrust trial of the century.

The court needs to stand up for the public’s right of access, not defer to big tech companies.

Project manager: "What's technical debt? Explain it to me like I'm 6 years old"


There will be actual Native people at the Northern Great Plains History Conference doing a panel on Wounded Knee moderated by Lakota historian, Nick Estes. Good luck to them. Non-Native institutions platform self-indigenizers for their own gain--to mark their EDI boxes--at the expense of actual Native people who if they are there at all are then expected to circulate in close proximity to people whose platforms are built on untruths and yet more theft from Native peoples.

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The Northern Great Plains History Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota is platforming Kent Blansett, a well-known alleged #Pretendian who will give the keynote lecture on Friday night. The topic of his lecture is about the siege at Wounded Knee in 1973, commemorating the 50th anniversary. Conference organizers were told by an actual Indigenous historian that this was a bad idea. I will link below to stories that challenge Blansett's claims to five different tribes.

We are breaking through the spam waves.

In the past days, we have identified and fixed several performance bummers, an internal meeting from our core team yesterday evening defined a roadmap to fix the rest.

To give you an idea: We are hit by extreme spam posts. In the past day, we removed 15% (!) of all Codeberg issues as spam, and we're still not done.

The removal degrades the performance, sometimes resulting in error 500s. Please reload the page in that case. Thank you for your patience.

Look what’s happened now: ES&T journal gave the fossil fuel industry (Gradient Corp, paid by the American Gas Association) the last word, and it’s a misleading last word. This is the most unethical “peer review” process I’ve witnessed in 27 years of science publishing.

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If you're on or around coast salish lands and want some free seeds, starseed collective wants to give them to you! No cost

Here's our request form to fill out:

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