Although the two RICO cases represent rival factions of the political class, the same grand jury that indicted Donald Trump is responsible for indicting those accused of "racketeering" for protesting Cop City. The court system is the central infrastructure of state violence; however Democrats may endeavor to represent it as a check on the aspirations of autocrats, it naturally lends itself to all forms of repression targeting the oppressed, and that is the chief role that it will always play.
This is not the first time that corporations and police have frivolously used RICO charges to intimidate those who oppose their power grabs. For example, from 2016 to 2019, the company behind the Dakota Access pipeline brought RICO charges against the nonprofit organization Greenpeace. All of those charges were eventually thrown out.
For more background on how the authorities are using the legal system to try to crush environmental protest:
We found that Neolithic economies were much more diverse than previously thought, incorporating dozens of species of cereals, legumes, small-seeded grasses, brassicas, pseudocereals, sedges, flowering plants, trees, and shrubs. Free-threshing wheat, grass pea, faba bean, and ‘new’ glume wheat were especially widely cultivated.
Videos and slides from the IHP workshop entitled "OpenPDK, OpenTooling and Open Source Design – An Initiative to Push Development" are online: (video playlist) (slides)
#openHardware #Chips #IntegratedCircuits #semiconductor #silicon #GoIT #PDK
This Las Vegas OpEd is heartbreaking, but also a “canary in the coal mine” for the relentless attacks we have continued to see against public schools and public school teachers for years. This breaks my heart for students, for families, for teachers, for communities, and for our nation.
I recommend you read it in full.
“Pay teachers whatever it takes” by Eric D. McCammond (Las Vegas Review Journal, 2 Sept 2023)
A climate activist group known as Tyre Extinguishers has targeted SUVs in one of Melbourne’s wealthiest suburbs, deflating the tires of up to 20 vehicles. The group, which originated in the US and has affiliates in over 20 countries, aims to make it impossible to own large polluting SUVs in urban areas
#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #ClimateStrike #Melbourne #Victoria #Australia
On Labor Day, it's time to strike while it's hot!
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This seems like an appropriate time and place to share this:
A Technology Freelancer's Guide to Starting a Worker Co-op
#WorkerCoops #tech
Today is Labor Day for our American colleagues, and it's a perfect occasion to discuss reasons for unionization.
Some facts:
Workers' productivity has steadily grown in the past 45 years, yet their pay hasn't kept up with this increase. The workers generate more profits each year, but these profits do not return to workers proportionally to their productivity levels.
Relevant read:
I'm having flashbacks to 2006...
Engaging in blatantly partisan fuckery to install a democratic senator in replacement of mitch mcconnell would be the most honest possible way to honor the legacy of mitch mcconnell.
Microsoft Edge caught leaking every website you visit to Bing You need to turn off this feature. No idea why they are transmitting every website you visit to Microsoft. Just privacy nightmare.
Re: this earlier post:
One of the things I'm most proud of doing in my last gig was add notes to our getting-started documentation saying explicitly "if this process fails for you, this is a bug and we want to hear from you."
Granting explicit permission to file bugs against documentation, quickstart docs particularly, is another way of saying "we care about the details of the experience of getting involved in this project and community", and it is very powerful.
Just hearing on RNZ about woman who's been locked out of her business on Facebook without recourse... I'm sad for her, but I'm also amazed that people are so willing to bet their entire business on a massive corporation they don't control and with whom they can't even make contact. I'm also thinking about 'iPhone developers' who only sell through the Apple App store, or those simps who'll happily tell you "we're a 'Microsoft shop'". They might gain some insight from
Dakota to get #landback 160 years after largest mass hanging in US history
Why is it I never hear the ELIZA effect mentioned in all this talk about so-called artificial intelligence? 🤔
@HeavenlyPossum the book Half Earth Socialism ( made it really clear to me how ridiculous the geoengineering mindset is. People will say that you need to let markets do their thing because an economy is too complex to centrally plan, but it's no problem to centrally plan all of the Earth's ecosystems which are far more complicated and less well understood? Doesn't add up.
Open source artificial pancreas software has gotten FDA approval! And open source hardware solutions are coming!
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa