My comments (both text and video) for the First Nations University of Canada 2nd National Indigenous Citizenship Forum: "Indigenous Citizenship in the Academy, 1 Year Later." A talk live streamed on 3/21/23. #Pretendians #RaceShifting
Oh look, it's the avocado toast argument again, with no mention of declining labor share of income, or any other systemic reasons why 2/3 of people feel financially insecure 🤦♂️
So who wants to help the @Codeberg folks implement code search?
#git #codeberg #search #scm #versionControl #foss #openSource #dev
During public comment in a recent city hall meeting, residents noted that residents face high property taxes while public services remain underfunded.
Students and faculty benefit from mental health services, the fire department, but are effectively subsidized by locals.
The #Ithaca & Tompkins County is facing financial difficulties, facing service cuts and difficulty hiring and retaining drivers, for which #Cornell has refused to increase funding.
It should be obvious that we need to massively reduce consumption of pretty much everything, on a species-wide level, & yet I see essentially no social groups that r truly committed 2 minimizing their own resource use (w/ the exception of a few communes). On the contrary, ppl seem more keen 2 hold onto their "mod cons" & their accustomed lifestyles than they r to think and act seriously about reducing their consumption. Like Vespa we insist on having our stuff, regardless of the circumstances.
Do you really need to walk 10,000 steps a day? And 17 other fitness ‘rules’, tackled by the experts | #Fitness | The Guardian
Calling all off-gridders, frontline gardeners, fastidious foragers, community-facing survivalists, radio geeks, degrowthers, organisation theorists, seed bankers, disaster researchers and dumpster-diving technologists!
We're writing a wiki for uncertain times, using the Fedi as a knowledge-harvester. Sign up to Collapsible.Systems and help us do it!
The disconnect between 'credible technologists' and 'people undertaking procurement' - and the simplistic 'risk aversion' of the latter - for big corporates, institutions, & gov'ts is the only way I can explain the use of AWS and MS Azure. Both are mediocre & vastly overpriced services. Buying them the first time is just stupid. After that, you're systems are dependent on their proprietary walled gardens and the cost of getting out of that dependence exceeds paying 10-20x too much.
Of course, Microsoft have also spent billions (a tiny proportion of their 'return to shareholders') to make sure that gov'ts and corporations create 'procurement compliance checklists' with special 'carve-outs' for the way MSFT does things, also disadvantaging smaller suppliers who are technically astute, but haven't got the 'smooze' chops. The tail is wagging the dog, and it has to stop.
Nothing to set the mood for your anarchist bookstore like a little overt police surveillance 😕
The world is burning. The #climate is tipping into unprecedented territory, bringing catastrophic impacts to people and nature.
Oh look, the Australian Government just approved a new coal mine extension for another 50 years - to 2073.
Where are the Labor MPs calling this out?
TIL people are organizing to stop OAK airport expansion. Their reasons are very convincing:
"Passenger aviation accounts for 11% of SF Bay Area GHG emissions, but represents an even larger share of global warming contribution due to high altitude effects"
"California High Speed rail will service 4 of the 10 top Oakland airport departure destinations. Money allocated for OAK expansion could go towards enhancing Amtrak service and accelerating build-out of HSR"
@zzzeek And then, AGAIN: the fact that, if you draw, anything, write anything, create anything deemed "adult" by Mastercard's standards (??????????!!???), you then have to submit your face to a 3rd party company which retains the right to use it, FOR EVER, to train their facial recognition systems which they serve to multiple police departments for a variety of uses?
Yeah. Pretty damn bad.
30 years ago, Tories privatised water companies in England & Wales.
There were 36 companies at the time.
The entire sale raised £7.6bn.
The companies merged & now just 15 remain.
They're foreign owned & most avoid paying taxes.
...& we also pay them £5bn a year, every year.
Your #Fitbit is useless – unless you consent to unlawful data sharing - #gdpr #privacy
Hi Fediverse! We're a collective of international workers at Red Hat organizing for fair working conditions.
We'll be using this platform to discuss a range of issues in our industry, strengthen solidarity between tech workers, and dispel myths when it comes to unionizing.
You can't get more Google than selling a plan with two year device upgrades and them Google killing the plan before anyone gets a device upgrade.
Wells Fargo's unbelievably lame online operation does not allow the use of apostrophes in the bill payment field where you type in the person you are paying. So any person or company with an apostrophe (e.g. O'Connor) in their name is forbidden from being spelled accurately.
Well, it's only 2023, so I guess it's too early for the biggest financial institutions to do this right...
New from me (and a couple dozen experts):
A desperate appeal to newsroom leaders on the eve of a chaos election
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa