Mini VMac is a great Mac Plus emulator. But did you know it can also emulate a color Mac II? You need a separate build for it, but it works like a dream.
Here it is running Mac System 7.5 (in all its 256 color glory) on the Unihertz Titan (Android).
I don't know about you, but I need a sanctuary.
A place where I can talk about nerdy stuff with a bunch of awesome nerds. No scary news. No political yelling. Just pure nerdiness.
IDE to SD card adapter replacing a HD in an Amiga?
Flash floppy adapter for an Apple II?
WiFi RS-232 modem emulator for a DOS PC?
I've got some thoughts on what modern computer upgrades make sense with retro (1970s, 1980s, & early 1990s) computers.
Last week I said "Anonymity online is a bad thing." The Internet disagreed. Strongly.
This is me responding. The Internet will probably disagree again. But it's cool.
Linux Sucks 2019 "The Lost Recordings" is now available to all of my supporters on
These are the only 17 usable minutes from the never publicly released Linux Sucks 2019 edition.
It was one heck of trainwreck.
Random fun thing!
Some time back I recorded a commentary track for "Linux Sucks 2016."
That's the year that Richard Stallman, Piers Anthony, Jim Whitehurst (now head of IBM), and Cory Doctorow made appearances.
A fun little perk for Locals subscribers:
The power of installing Microsoft Office upgrades.
You're welcome.
"Road-Sign Hank & The Aliens", the critically acclaimed comic book from yours truly, is coming back!
You can get the first 2 issues by:
- Subscribing via Locals
- Subscribing via Patreon
- Purchasing via LBRY
Subscribers get the new issues for free. ;)
Lunduke and Friends - July 4, 2020 - Part 1
With super-nerdy-guests: Chris Titus & Matt Hartley
Watch & Listen (via LBRY, Locals, and Podcast):
New weekly exclusive podcast is out! All my lovely, nerdy, attractive subscribers (via Patreon or Locals) can grab that bad mama-jama right now!
Twitter Wages War On... Grandfathers?
Article & Podcast:
Lunduke and Friends - June 27, 2020 - Part 2
We talk about Amigas.
We talk about Gopher.
We talk about Transformers.
We talk about... Snarf.
There is much happiness.
LBRY, YouTube, & Podcast:
New comic strip out this morning! About installing Windows 10 updates and Office!
Subscribers (via Locals or Patreon) get it a week before the general public. *hint hint* ;)
Lunduke and Friends - June 27, 2020 - Part 1
Matt Hartley and I talk about Superheroes, Haiku, OpenShot, Microsoft Outlook (seriously), hosting static websites, ARM Macs, dad jokes, and a bunch of other nerdy stuff. It's awesome.
Echo Chambers are Awesome, Twitter is Stupid.