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Chromebooks foisted on students? Teachers monitoring what children do outside of the classroom via nonfree software? Surveillance of children is common, and it's at your child's school, too. Support #FreeSoftware

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Benedict XVI died today 😕. I knew he wasn’t doing well. He was 95.

I loved his writing and his gentle style of leadership.

May he rest in peace.

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The more things change, the more they stay the same. The only solution is taking platforms out of the moderation game. The content-layer of the internet should be moved to neutral protocols.

*You* should be the one who decides what you can read. Not a company. Not a government.

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I just published a new 7min20 video.
"Overview of my Krita Digital Painting Workflow − end 2022 (commented tutorial)"
It describes the recent steps you saw in my "Process" posts: the one with color flat, and shading.
I hope it will inspire you to paint.

▶ Peertube:
▶ Youtube:

#Mastoart #Krita #tutorial #ccby

4k Wallpaper:

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Don Quixote is hundreds of years old, but the story of a man who becomes so immersed in media that he can no longer distiguish fantasy from reality, and is aided by people who indulge the fantasy while saving him from himself, seems so very modern.

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Adults are at times farther from comprehending the world than children. Children have yet to educated, but remain open to learning, while adults have often been 𝘮𝘪𝘴-educated, and so jealously guard the granite of their preconception from being cracked by a contrary truth.

"Should You Trust Apple?", video by Naomi Brockwell

Naomi talks about Apple's change to encrypt iCloud backups. She also discusses the history of Apple concerning privacy, including its missteps, and it butting heads with the FBI.

Brock Pierce at the 2022 Sequire Decentralized Web Conference

Brock Pierce discusses Bitcoin, Web 3, Dogecoin, the Metaverse and more.

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The bird site has suspended Mastodon’s official account.

Someone’s getting twitchy…

Big Tech Deception: Is This What You Want?

I do not like any of these huge centrally controlled platforms. That includes Twitter, in either of its forms (pre-Musk, post-Musk).

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For some people, attention is a drug (and online, it can be profitable too). If an attention addict can't get positive attention they'll settle for negative attention. As they say, "There's no such thing as bad publicity."

Maybe I'm just a contrarian, but while everyone else stares angrily at the loud motorcycle driving down the street blaring horrible music, my instinct is to ignore them and starve them of the negative attention they are demanding.

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