Traditional Latin Mass Readings
April 5, 2021 - Easter Monday
Epistle - Acts 10:37-43
Gospel - Luke 24:13-35
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
April 4, 2021 - Easter Sunday (W)
Epistle - I Corinthians 5:7-8
Gospel - Mark 16:1-7
You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.'
But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you, that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven.
For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.
(found in Matthew 5:43-45)
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
April 3, 2021 - Holy Saturday (Violet-White)
Solemn Mass of the Vigil
Epistle - Colossians 3:1-4
Gospel - Matthew 28:1-7
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
April 2, 2021 - Good Friday (Black)
First Lesson - Osee 6:1-6
Second Lesson - Exodus 12:1-11
Gospel - John 18:1-40; 19:1-42
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
April 1, 2021 - Holy Thursday (W)
Epistle - I Corinthians 11:20-32
Gospel - John 13:1-15
Autofocus support can't get soon enough - turns out that trying to take a focused macro shot with manual focus controlled by typing values into the terminal is kinda cumbersome 😂
...but spring is here, as seen by the #Librem5 camera!
"The entire blockchain industry is at risk" -- with
Full video:
After a banning: why don't you build your own platform?
After a deplatforming: why don't you build your own decentralized protocol?
After the lawsuit against the decentralized protocol: why don't you build your own country?
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
March 31, 2021 - Wednesday in Holy Week (V)
Lesson - Isaias 62:11;63:1-7
Epistle - Isaias 53:1-12
Gospel - Luke 22:39-71;23:1-53
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
March 30, 2021 - Tuesday In Holy Week (V)
Epistle - Jeremias 11:18-20
Gospel - Mark 14:32-73; 15:1-46
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
March 29, 2021 - Monday in Holy Week (V)
Epistle - Isaias 50:5-10
Gospel - John 12:1-9
Pre-orders for the #pinebookpro ANSI model are now live.″-pinebook-pro-linux-laptop-ansi-us-keyboard/
Do You Really Want Linux Phones?
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
March 28, 2021 - Palm Sunday (R)
Epistle - Philemon 2:5-11
Gospel - Matthew 26:36-75;27:1-60
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
March 27, 2021 - Saturday in Passion Week (V)
Epistle - Jeremias 18:18-23
Gospel - John 12:10-36
A recent upgrade of plymouth in Debian wants to reset your Mobian boot splash to the standard Debian screen. While that does not hurt, just say "N" (the default choice) when it asks whether you want to change »/etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf« on upgrade. We should have been able to prevent that, but hindsight is a beautiful thing.
Catholic father of 10. Programmer by trade. I like reading, writing, running, geocaching, chess, spending time with my family.