5. Tying Threaded Groups Together
After threading a "round" number of heddles based on WPI or natural end of a pattern, I tie them with a temporary knot to separate from other groups.
This protects me against losing track of where I am in my threading, as I can always count the number of tied bundles.
This also protects against mistakes when sleying the reed, as I only deal with "round" numbers of threads at a time.
Technical Weaving Thread: Practices to Catch/Prevent Mistakes
2. Maintaining the Cross
Lease sticks maintain your cross while dressing the loom to prevent counting mistakes when threading, but many instructions have you remove them after threading, I (like some Scandinavian weavers) leave them on to the end of the project.
This saved me in this project when I notice threading mistakes after I start to weave, and when a warp thread was missing entirely.