I put the knitting machine away when tidying up the other day, and I now have the supplies to either start work on the fourth (and final?) knitted hat, OR I could weave myself a scarf based on my last black scarf pattern. Since everything is put away it is equally convenient to start either project.
Now I have to decide, knitting or weaving? #knitting #machineknitting #weaving
@NebbyBeulah At the moment I'm relying on patterns I find online, and I've had mixed results so far. I did find some knitting machine pattern books for sale online (most are from the 1980s and 1990s) and am hoping someone gets me one for Christmas.
When I become more experienced, there are explanations for how to adapt traditional knitting patterns to machine knitting that I hope to be able to use.
@kyle I think I have one or two old machine knitting mags shelved. I’ll look.
@kyle Where are you finding #machineknitting patterns?