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Cars continue to copy the smartphone business model, now have mandatory pre-installed services and apps (and the tracking that comes with them):

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I'm talking about projects like:

* Bibliogram for Instagram
* Imgin & Rimgo for Imgur
* Invidious & Piped for YouTube
* Librarian for LBRY/Odysee
* Libreddit & Teddit for Reddit
* Lingva & SimplyTranslate for Google Translate
* Nitter for Twitter
* Proxitok for Tiktok
* Scribe for Medium
* Whoogle, Searx, & SearxNG for Google, etc
* Wikiless for Wikipedia (though not as needed)

And thanks to for loadbalancing instances of these to ensure I don't overload them!

2/2 Fin!

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A little tech preview on iOS of a new "setup/link second device" flow ... Delta chat here is using the evolving new Rust implementation of IPFS ... and, who knows, a couple of more features might spring from that ;)

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To explain why this is cool, a belt 3D printer (I brought one of the first to market with my buddies and😎) lets you *print things larger than the printer itself*- it's like a Tardis. For now, thermoplastic, but theoretically anything extrudable.

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A wonderful write-up about tar file format and why computational complexity matters even in cases you wouldn't think it does!

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Let me tell you, don't rely on flash for cold storage of important data. I learned it the hard way, despite knowing better.

A short thread. (1/n)

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Dear Canadians in Ontario, Quebec, and B.C.: if you purchased an optical disk drive or any machine containing one between 2005 and 2010 you should go claim your $20 from the price-fixing class action lawsuit we just won.

No proof of purchase required, submission deadline is 2022-11-14.

(If you're thinking "jeez, there sure is a lot of price fixing going on in this country", MMM-HMM)

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This is one of those cases where it's really best to stick with one or two well-known brands, or wait until you can afford one. It's just a waste of money to get a cheap meter that just measures VOCs as a proxy etc. and it's hard to know if it's real NDIR or not- they just lie.

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Ok I have a CO2 meter review video coming up but quick summary:
Every no-name Aliexpress CO2 meter under $100 sucks.
If they say they are NDIR they are probably lying.
The is expensive but worth it.
The Mini CO2 monitor is an acceptable alternative.

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This was predictable. Facebook/Meta is now encrypting the QP data so that Firefox and other privacy conscious browsers that strip the tracking data can't. Only way to avoid it is to not use Facebook at all. #DeleteFacebook #SurveillanceCapitalism…
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There's a Canadian company - Allanson International - making UV lights you can bolt into existing home ductwork for sanitizing your air; not a big deal if your windows are open all summer, but come winter when we're all buttoned up this will be important, IMO.

Inspired by a recent set of toots by @SexyCyborg I picked one up and just finished installing it. Dirt simple, took ten minutes.

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Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. ~ Anne Lamott

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I really think #OpenStreetMaps can learn a few tricks from #GoogleMaps, and how they "nudge" contributors, especially the occasional contributor, who are very likely motivated very differently from the typical "active contributor."

It's an optional notification that you can unsubscribe from.

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You know that thing where people make fun of a terrible opinion by writing it in a mixture of upper and lower case? It's probably not a good idea.

Screenreader software used by blind or partially-sighted people interprets capital letters as the beginning of a word.

This means that a phrase written as "FiNe PEopLe oN BoTh siDeS" will sound like gibberish.

If accessibility matters to you, try to avoid doing this.

#FediTips #Accessibility #A11y

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The Software Wars Map, published by Steven Hilton in 2006

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"Already, 5,000 Londoners are on to it: borrowing anything from sound systems to sewing machines from a catalogue of around 50 items. They are the pioneers of the Library of Things (LoT) model, which helps people to save money and reduce waste by affordably renting out household items. They’ve collectively saved around 50 tonnes of waste from landfill since it all began."

#LibraryOfThings #LOT #London #PositiveNews

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