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I had no idea that there were publicly accessible outdoor bake ovens in some Toronto parks (that were only recently closed due to the pandemic). Wonder if the idea could be implemented locally.

"East end Toronto residents push for opening up of outdoor bake oven"

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If you or someone you know is thinking of buying a Ring doorbell camera—or already has one—here are 10 tips to consider

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Every user of Google, Facebook, ... should absolutely watch #TheSocialDilemma

It makes people understand how those services are designed with the ultimate goal to sell your brain time at the highest price.

Show it to Children, show it to Friends!

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I'm having a tough time navigating the contrast between the the number of new Covid cases in Ontario, population 14.7M, in the last day - 700 - with the number of new covid cases in Vietnam, population 95M, over the last MONTH, that being... 30.

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Hello! Looking for hardware for measuring indoor air quality 💨 🏠 💨 One of our housemates has allergies we're trying to track down... Hardware must detect:
- particulate matter (e.g. PM 2.5 & 10)
- volatile organic compounds (specifically wood volatiles like turpentine)

Should be as open as possible and 'affordable'. Temp. & humidity nice bonus, but not necessary. Does not need to be turn-key/can be for nerds 🤓

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Netgear is locking some features of their switches unless the product is "registered"
In plain terms, they're pushing you to let them collect data on your network device. What data exactly? Well... "The information we collect varies depending on which NETGEAR product or service you use."

Huh. Didn't realize how terrible the Epson refillable tank printers were. Less than 2 years in with little printing, and the dreaded Ink Pad issues have bitten friends of mine (search for that before buying one).

Amazing how they could make something that should be a great idea into a terrible one.

Thanks, Epson.

Didn't realize how involved the oil industry was in the plastic "recycling" industry.

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I haven't yet read the article, but this quote is too good to let go:

> Running a successful open source project is just Good Will Hunting in reverse, where you start out as a respected genius and end up being a janitor who gets into fights.…

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Burying the lede: "AT&T engineers are creating 'unified customer identifiers,' [AT&T CEO] Stankey said. Such technology would allow marketers to identify users across multiple devices and serve them relevant advertising."

Ouch. Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) is selling and will no longer be a co-op. Sad to lose a long standing and prominent example of cooperative structure.

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"Just because there is now a multi-billion-dollar industry based on the abject betrayal of our privacy doesn’t mean the sociopaths who built it have any right whatsoever to continue getting away with it"

Great post!

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A regular reminder to our #dev friends to keep #privacy for your users on your issues list.

- Avoid using third party systems to host fonts, scripts, etc.
- Try Google analytics alternatives like @plausible or @Matomo
- Capture as little personally identifiable information as possible (do you really need their full name, phone number, etc?)
- Purge your PII regularly
- Share info with fewer systems and notify your users

Place their privacy at least equal to your needs.

#programming #html

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We’re proud to officially announce the Fairphone 3+ 🙌 It has improved cameras, upgraded software and even more fair materials, but here’s the twist: The exact same modules can also be used to upgrade the Fairphone 3. 🌍 📱 Read more:

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The fact that a typo in OpenStreetMap lead to the existence of a 212-storeyed skyscraper in Flight Simulator 2020 towering over the Melbourne suburbs (instead of a simple 2-floor house) is the funniest thing I've learned this week

Twitter link:

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