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Anyone else having audio issues on their using with ? If I have the phone on for more than a few hours then use any audio it's all stutter-y and distorted. I opened a issue on git in April but got no response.

Don't send unsolicited mail, period. Ever. It's wasteful, and it doesn't work, especially for a digital product.


I got this in the mail from... Nothing says you care about privacy like sending unsolicited marketing spam. Never given them any personal details in my life.


has improved greatly in the half a year since I used it. It now has an unrecoverable crash an hour after installation rather than within minutes! I really don't know why it's still so unstable, it literally breaks if you use widgets at all. Back to I guess . . .

Fedi is the most strange thing in the world.

On normal social media, you write a message and people just ignore it forever.

Here, you write a message, it stays ignored for 1 or 2 years, and then all of a sudden, for no reason, with no explanation, someone finds it somehow, boosts it, and it gets 200 likes and 120 boosts.

What the fuck.

I'm sure someone will boost this message in 2021 or 2022.

Reasonable Colors is an open-source colour system for making accessible colour palettes.

It uses an intuitive system of shades to help you select colours which meet the appropriate WCAG contrast rating, even if you're mixing and matching base colours:

#opensource #design #ui #uidesign #color #colour #accessibility

Does anyone know how to make a application just to render a webpage? Preferably with hardware acceleration but not 100% needed. I'm trying to do a workflow where I develop in html+css+javascript, have it available for free on the web and wrap it in a native program to extend it a bit.

A short "ad" for one of my favorite #linux #tools => #OpenSnitch

It's a application firewall inspired of #LittleSnitch for macOS.
With this tool you have full control which applications are allowed to talk to the outside and which not

Did you know that one of the ways Android and IOS reduce energy consumption is by using a unified system-level notification provider?
UnifiedPush is FOSS implementation of the same idea that could help projects such as #pinephone and #linuxphones in general by providing both a framework to reduce battery consumption and a more unified interface to code notifications on.

If you follow FOSS, would you please boost?

Making my software decisions based on dragons:

clang: ✔️ has a dragon
gcc: ❌ no dragon
kde plasma: ✔️ has a dragon
gnome: ❌ no dragon
wireguard: ✔️ has a dragon
openvpn: ❌ no dragon

The difference between a closed, algorithmically-curated silo like Twitter and the fediverse.

Same post.

Twitter: ~43K “followers”, 8 boosts, 58 likes
Fediverse: ~8.43K followers, 57 boosts, 106 likes

Your thousands of “followers” on Twitter mean nothing because the algorithm (i.e., Twitter, Inc.) decides who gets to hear you.


Just flashed on my , wow has it improved since I tried it last year. So much smoother from the installation process to the actual interface itself, well done to everyone at the project!

...and here's the same thing using . Needs more work and polishing but just to give an idea. It works pretty well with thumb only too but that's hard to record.

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Element is hiring Backend Engineers 🚀

If you:
- are experienced with #Python OR #NodeJS
- know your way with #SQL
- know what a REST API is
- want to work on an open source project (#Synapse and/or bridges)

You can either DM me or apply directly on

If you are not sure if you would be a great fit or what would be expected from you, drop me a message and we'll figure it out :)

🔄 Boosts very appreciated, we need you!

I really wish more developers would focus on the flatpak world. I’ve seen a lot of apps hold back on new features because distros couldn’t support them.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml