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@thatonecalculator @thelinuxEXP Do you know if reactions are coming in any official capacity? They are something I initially hated but found it stopped reaction spamming so is an overall improvement to social media/communications.

Anyone else having audio issues on their using with ? If I have the phone on for more than a few hours then use any audio it's all stutter-y and distorted. I opened a issue on git in April but got no response. Awesome! Is there a guide on how to install this or do you just need to compile from source? How would one change from Phosh starting up to Gnome on ManjaroARM?

@x2ero @yisraeldov @publicvoit I know in the Linux world you can pass through a GPU via VirtIO so that the VM basically has direct access to the GPU and can do full 3D acceleration etc but I don't know about doing that with a Windows or Mac host.

@yisraeldov @x2ero @publicvoit I would personally go for a Mac at this point as the OS feels more stable and doesn't force updates or resets settings randomly.

@rusty @thelinuxEXP @puyo I suppose the best you can hope for is the approach of use another search engines results but anonymise the user. Shame they are permitting these trackers from Microsoft. I'm assuming Privacy Badger will block these trackers?

@x2ero @publicvoit @yisraeldov To be fair, so does Windows and it's actually pretty good. I set it up for the devs at work so that they can use WSL properly.

@JF Thanks! The performance seems to be only slightly better than my RPi4 using USB3 enclosures, I wonder if BTRFS on MDADM needs more attention for it to improve?

@thewk The people at Ubuntu Touch on JingPad are very helpful for all this stuff!

@Gina Yeah, they don't do well with rugs, specifically ones with threads on the ends. Mine gets clogged with cat toys sometimes but is otherwise fun on proper carpet.

@rusty @thelinuxEXP @puyo That's it, I'm going full and just using lynx or W3M to browse the internet! In all seriousness though, is there a non-spyware, non-tracking search engine that actually functions well? Or do I just need to use for searches and bookmark everything I need?

Don't send unsolicited mail, period. Ever. It's wasteful, and it doesn't work, especially for a digital product.


I got this in the mail from... Nothing says you care about privacy like sending unsolicited marketing spam. Never given them any personal details in my life.


@thelinuxEXP Looks like I'm switching back to Firefox, the least bad browser. Is the browser still happening? That one might not be terrible.

@avery I think it may be used for transfer only in the future so power via the keyboard port and data via the PinePhone port. However that requires usb C role negotiation to work flawlessly beforehand so it doesn't deliver too much power and fry the device. So best to just say don't do it for now.

@JF Will you be putting up a guide and parts list for this? My current RPi 4 NAS with USB storage is good but the throughput is not great, I imagine moving to the x1 pci slot on this would be a huge improvement.

has improved greatly in the half a year since I used it. It now has an unrecoverable crash an hour after installation rather than within minutes! I really don't know why it's still so unstable, it literally breaks if you use widgets at all. Back to I guess . . .

@thelinuxEXP give Strange New Worlds a go, it's a lot better than Picard and feels a lot more like real Star Trek. If you haven't seen Deep Space 9, I highly recommend it. The first 2 seasons aren't the best, it really picks up on season 3 though.

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