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Some personal news: The Intercept laid me off 🫠, so I'm now in the job market! My current title is Director of Information Security

Spectrum Business last month: "Turn on Autopay or else you'll be charged an extra $5 next month."

Spectrum Business this month: "Now that you have Autopay on, here's a $10 increase in your bill for no explained reason -- charge labeled 'business wifi'. Isn't Autopay great!"

OK, this is cool:

1. Look up a podcast on
2. Check the number at the end of the URL in your browser. Example: -> 270016
3. Follow <number> For example, @270016 .
4. Get podcast updates over ActivityPub! Including audio!

h/t @samsethi

So why doesn't "block all video" in Firefox block video backgrounds?

why is nobody talking about the potential synergies between lab grown meat and AI

📣 We're hiring a remote, part-time contractor for a six-month period to work on the Dangerzone open source application!

Help us protect journalists and anyone else working with potentially dangerous electronic documents.

Learn more and apply:

Sad to learn this. Lyn Hejinian's book My Life was very influential for me -- I didn't know could be like that until reading it. I'm glad there are still books of hers I haven't read yet.

It's that time at @outreachy when we have to start figuring out how many internships we can offer in the coming round. I hate the hard choices we have to make when we're short on funding when there are strong interns and mentors.

Please help us by making a donation, and if you work at a company that might sponsor, please ask them to sign up!

Would like to see the minutes of the meeting where they decided to still put a blue cartridge in the Pink Cliff or Violet Blackberry Safari , even when selling them in a set with cartridges and bottles of their actual matching ink colors.

Check out this video for notebooks, planners, fountain pens, and not-so-fountain pens that I've been using lately.

#fountainpens #planner #plotter

What do you mean someone runs a kitchen I'm not allowed to enter?! Ghastly.

We need your help to advance user freedom on mobile devices -- if you are interested and have a few hours a month to contribute to building a solid organizational base to support the worldwide F-Droid community's amazing work, please nominate yourself (or another willing person) for the F-Droid board of directors:

Most common conversation topic in the store today: #LAMY needs to print the names of their colors on the #fountainpen ink boxes.

(We'd settle for even the SKU.)

h/t to the car in front of me with the "I downloaded this car on Limewire" bumper sticker

For those who have been on the edge of their seats, Bank of America was able to accept my cash deposit today. They had "cash capabilities".

China: “Remove all VPNs”
Apple: “Sure thing”

China: “…and podcast apps”
Apple: “Can do boss!”

China: “…and also hand over all iCloud data for our citizens”
Apple: “I mean why wouldn’t we? Here you go!”

EU: “Allow alternate app stores, and do it fairly”
Apple: “Ahhh hell no! This is so unfair you guys are bullies! Malware! Privacy! We have standards! Unlike you we care about our users!”

For the last time:

Abyss = for staring into
Void = for screaming into

Please stop screaming into the abyss we are not insured for that

I would have a lot more sympathy for Apple's DMA complaint that it may have less ability to shield users from "objectionable or harmful content" if their definition of "objectionable or harmful content" they've been shielding their users from hadn't included

- telling users that things were cheaper outside the app store
- pointing out that you could subscribe to a service through a web browser
- noting the existence of jailbreaking and the ability to turn off parts of Apple's code

Actual words spoken to me at Bank of America today -- "We do not have cash capabilities today."

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