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I had no trouble at all cleaning Platinum Chou Kuro ink out of my (ystudio brassing, fine). It was in there for almost a month, with light daily use.

I was surprised that Chou Kuro smears a bit under a highlighter (on Leuchtturm 120 paper). Debating whether to refill with it or go a round with Carbon Black to compare.

Big news on the Vizio case - the court rejected Vizio's arguments in their summary judgment motion. The decision cuts to the core of the case, with clear and conclusive language. Now on to *our* motion for summary adjudication...

@KathyReid @pluralistic here’s an open source federated privacy-friendly alternative:

I never intended for my career(s) to involve so much financial bookkeeping -- MFA does not stand for Master of Fucking Accounting -- but at least now it's become an excuse to use even more (Beancount).

Samuel Gelston 12yr Single Malt Irish is very strange. It is clear, for one thing. Tasting notes include Capri Sun.

I can't believe this is real, this is a Threads account as viewed from a @pixelfed account

#threads #pixelfed #activitypub

If you've ever thought, "I should pour a shot of absinthe in my Irish , that would be amazing," you can save yourself the trouble and just drink some JJ Corry Fierfield Birch Botanical Irish Whiskey. Yikes!

Well, Gandi just turned off my outgoing SMTP access after very lackluster communication/warning (apparently we were just supposed to know that SMTP access would now be contingent on paying for their new incoming mail storage plan). Guess it's finally time to look elsewhere, but it's been a nice 20 years. Any recommendations for SMTP providers?

We sell the beautifully illustrated children's #book "Ada & Zangemann -- A Tale of Software, Skateboards and Raspberry Ice Cream" in the shop. See what kids who read the book are saying in their letters to Zangemann:

Le projet Software Heritage, l'archive universelle des codes sources de logiciels, recrute un·e nouvel.le developpeur·euse pour contribuer au développement de sa plateforme, et particulièrement pour participer à la maintenance de ses composants #frontend (interface de navigation basée sur #Django et nos APIs #REST et #GraphQL).

On fait du #Python, du #Cassandra, du #BigData, du #LogicielLibre (évidemment), et plein de trucs cool.

L'équipe est rattachée au centre Inria de Paris mais la localisation est possible dans tous les centres Inria en France (Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Grenoble, Rennes, Saclay, Sophia Antipolis, Nancy). Télétravail possible 2-3j / semaine.

Détails et contact:

Grille de salaire ingénieurs de recherche contractuels Inria, page 9 de



Software Heritage, the universal archive for software source code, is recruiting a new developer to contribute to the development of its platform, and specifically to help maintain our Web components (#Django #Frontend, #REST and #GraphQL APIs).

We do #Python, #Cassandra, #BigData, #FreeSoftware (obviously) and lots of other cool stuff.

This is an on-site recruitment at one of the Inria research centers in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Grenoble, Rennes, Saclay, Sophia Antipolis, Nancy). Open to part-time (2-3 days/week) remote work.

Details and contact:

Salary range on page 9 of


How have I been using UPS in both directions for well over 25 years and I'm just now learning about UPS "brokerage fees". Oh, right, because they are a hidden scam junk fee. Yeah, clearing two small boxes from Canada to the US with erroneously charged $17 of duty, DOES sound like a $300 job.

Monteverde Documental Black ink mostly passed the "puppy licks the page" test.

Are you an open source contributor / developer that has dealt with legal and/or policy issues? Share your story at Europe's largest free and open source conference: FOSDEM!

CFP Deadline Dec 11

#fosdem2024 #legal

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