a real congressperson from #NorthCarolina, unlike:
Sly Single
Foxy Fiver
Devious Dime
Cunning Quarter
Perfidious Penny
Tricky Tenner
Our Executive Director @baconandcoconut keynotes @SeaGL tomorrow morning, a free and friendly #FOSS conference in Seattle. Swing by if you're in the area! #SeaGL https://seagl.org/news/2023/10/31/Keynotes.html
@LWN is hiring: https://lwn.net/Articles/949461/ -- we'd all benefit from someone excellent in this position -- spread the word.
Happy National #Vegan Day!
"A poem is a ouija board without the wood" --Robert Kelly, "Fire Exit" #60
I'm all for #security, but seriously, things (like banks) log you out much too quickly nowadays due to "inactivity". Besides being just annoying, I'm sure that encourages people to use crappier passwords.
This year we will have 4 keynoters @SeaGL
Our second announced keynoter is: Deb Nicholson, Executive Director at the Python Software Foundation and a founding organizer of SeaGL!
#seattle #linux #fossconf #keynote #opensource #FOSS #seagl2023
Now that Business Success with Open Source is in beta and available for purchase in early release, I have the mental space available to start considering my next steps. The first one of those steps: find my next job.
What I'm looking for:
Talk announcement for #SeaGL2023
Vagrant Cascadian presents: "Beyond Trusting FOSS".
Details: https://osem.seagl.org/conferences/seagl2023/program/proposals/939
(if (equal (system-name) "Nokia-N900-42-11")
..I guess I don't need that line in my .emacs anymore...
Former shipper and executive director at the Free Software Foundation, now https://alliterativeadvising.com, https://crazyalansemporium.com, and board of directors for https://f-droid.org.