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"The problem with being a book critic, Dorothy Parker wrote, is that the work gets in the way of your reading."

The perfect day to play #nethack - a new moon on Friday the 13th.

The transcript from the summary judgement hearing in our Vizio lawsuit has just been published. You can read about it here:

Why are you stressing about arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities in #curl ? You were just going to pipe the output to sh anyway. :ablobcatcoffee:

I do not need a touch screen on my vacuum cleaner.

Mobian started as a hobby project, triggered by the excitement of finally being able to hack one’s mobile phone at will. It is fair to say that the device that made it possible back then was the original PinePhone. However, after running once again into the same difficulties we experienced over and over, we’re wondering whether maintaining support for this device is still worth the effort…

Now available in the store: Ada & Zangemann, a children's book by @kirschner, illustrated by Sandra Brandstätter. CAE's @johns helped translate the German to English.

"This illustrated book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realises how crucial it is for her and others to control technology."

From age 6 to 106.


Meanwhile, spoofing my user agent like it's 2003 so I can actually sign in to my credit card account.

Did they think they weren't going to get a paper check from a stationery store run by a shunner of proprietary JavaScript? DYKWIA?

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Olives in your Negroni

Did Ticketmaster buy Duke Energy? They want an $8.50 convenience fee to pay the power bill online (whether with credit card or bank account).

Olives in your Negroni

Finished Thread by Michael Palmer. Starting Midwood by Jana Prikryl.

Been reading Palmer for 20 years, feel only a little closer to understanding how he does it.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I think I'm finally fed up with (neo)mutt's inability to handle switching networks (ie, moving from home to work, or enabling and disabling VPN). Failures include just blocking, not interruptible with C-c; or claiming to look up the hostname and failing. Having to kill it leads to lost flags if I neglected to manually sync before moving.

"The pilot, who asked to be identified only by his nickname, Hacker, for security reasons, and other members of his unit would review..."

"An estimated 80 percent of visitors to the Louvre in Paris...come just to see the Mona Lisa, according to the Louvre."

"What makes this news more interesting is the fact that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has abandoned its Threads account but is still maintaining its self-hosted Mastodon accounts online." #Media

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