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I decided to leave my job (Principal Software Engineer) after 4 years. I have no idea what I want to do next, so I’ve been having loads of chats to try and work that out.

I like working in mission focused organizations, working to fix problems across the stack, from interpersonal down to the operating system. I enjoy “going where I’m rare”, places that don’t always get the most attention.


after we're done with TikTok can we ban all T-mobile commercials forever

We need trusted members of the Open Web and Open Source communities to take on the hard problems in the social web, like people search and content search. selling their measuring stick: "To celebrate the coronation of Charles III we’re giving you 15% off
our very own ruler…" 👏

Looking for a job where you can contribute to #FreeSoftware projects? Check out @fossjobs! They list technical and non-technical positions exclusively for paid free and #OpenSource jobs.

You can use this opportunity to work with organizations that improve and involve FOSS or open hardware projects.

Do you know some missing opportunities? Submit it.!

#opensourcejobs #techforgood

I don't think enough biology teachers explain that, for the rest of his life, whenever he heard a bell ring Ivan Pavlov felt the urge to give a dog a biscuit

The German language is actually quite veggie:

Da haben wir den Salat (There we have the salad) = What a mess!

Gurkentruppe (cucumber troop) = bad team

Tomaten auf den Augen (tomatoes on the eyes) = blinded

Bohnenstange (bean stick) = tall person

Spargel (asparagus) = thin person

Erbsenzähler (pea counter) = nitpicker

Interessiert mich nicht die Bohne (I'm not interested a bean)= I don't care at all

wie Kraut und Rüben (like cabbage and turnips) = messy

Enjoy our langveg!


I've received many fortune cookies with no fortune in them over the years. But tonight for the first time, I received a fortune cookie wrapper/packet, fully sealed and inflated with air, with no fortune cookie (or fortune) at all inside. I think maybe I got Nietzsche's order by mistake.

I'm stoked to be helping out with the "FOSS For Education" track for #FOSSY, a free and open source software conference hosted in Portland this July by @conservancy

Let's get a variety of perspectives to be present and seen. Go for it and submit a proposal. :)

About the "FOSS For Education" track:

Call for Proposals:

General FOSSY info:

#foss #teacher #education #edtech #highered #k12 #oer23 #openeducation #oer

I appreciate the warning on Colorverse NASA Blue ink: "Avoid direct sunlight; keep out of children." Okay!

“You can no more keep a Martini in the refrigerator than you can keep a kiss there.” --Bernard DeVoto, "The Hour: A Cocktail Manifesto"

Disappointing, and a reminder that I don't actually know what a monopoly is (clearly not a "know it when I see it" situation): -- but hopefully irrelevant anyway, with other forces (EU) pushing Apple to allow users to install software from outside the App Store. iF-Droid?

What an encouraging story -- university students in Lithuania push back against proprietary 2FA requirement and win:

A bit crushed to learn that the new book release date I've been looking forward to on my calendar (today) is the release date *in Japan*. Probably another year to wait for a translation I can read.

5 out of the 10 books on the NYT BR combined fiction bestseller list (yesterday) are by the same person. It's been that way for a long time. I don't know what to do about that, but I think people might like some changes made to the way the list is built / presented.

If you sent me an email and are wondering why I didn't answer yet, I probably didn't get it. Sporadic email issues due to bad MX records due to bad instructions from Gandi plus terrible sysadmin (me).

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