Did they think they weren't going to get a paper check from a stationery store run by a shunner of proprietary JavaScript? DYKWIA?
@kirschner msmtp locally
@mattl Evolution works okay. There's something basic that I need to do that Thunderbird won't let me do but I can't remember what it is. Probably it's back to Gnus for me.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I think I'm finally fed up with (neo)mutt's inability to handle switching networks (ie, moving from home to work, or enabling and disabling VPN). Failures include just blocking, not interruptible with C-c; or claiming to look up the hostname and failing. Having to kill it leads to lost flags if I neglected to manually sync before moving.
"What makes this news more interesting is the fact that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has abandoned its Threads account but is still maintaining its self-hosted Mastodon accounts online." #Media https://darnell.day/bbc-gives-up-on-threads-by-instagram-sticks-with-mastodon?utm_source=werd.io&utm_campaign=mastodon&utm_channel=mastodon
@shanecurcuru Apparently more need to reference @swheritage ?
Crazy Alan's Emporium in Chapel Hill, NC, is now on Mastodon! We'll be posting regularly about the beautiful and fun new items we get in, as well as our community events, product reviews, and announcements about any store hours / availability changes. We are excited to be part of the #fountainpen and #stationery communities here!
@SwiftOnSecurity Definitely hope the threat actors don't strike next.
Former shipper and executive director at the Free Software Foundation, now https://alliterativeadvising.com, https://crazyalansemporium.com, and board of directors for https://f-droid.org.