Hashtags didn't start out as a software feature on Twitter.
@chrismessina proposed their use, and for a long time, they were just a cultural norm.
It was months later that Twitter engineers turned them into links that went to a search result screen.
Same thing with @-addressing. It was a practice for blog comments that came over to Twitter, but there was a long time that there were no affordances in the UI to support them.
Same with retweets. People starting using "RT", and it took off.
And Their Refinement of the Decline by Stars of the Lid is probably the album I've listened to the most over the last 10 years (even though it's 2 hours long).
RIP Brian McBride
So sad to learn of Brian McBride's passing -- he was known in the wider world for his music as Stars of the Lid, but I knew him from his amazing work and mentorship in the narrow world of high school and college policy debate. So smart, talented, and kind, and carried himself in a way I always wanted to emulate -- just total genuine coolness.
Linux on a Commodore 64 (Via Emulator and Speed up - a real C64 would need a RAM expansion and would take a week to boot): https://github.com/onnokort/semu-c64 #linux #update #release #c64 #commodore
@luis_in_brief Yeah, loved the Chambers series, will definitely read the rest of hers after a little break.
This doesn't seem good: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article278145272.html
(Bacardi added by Ukraine to war sponsor list)
Bacardi owns many brands, including favorites like Angel's Envy.
Really, what could go wrong: https://www.engadget.com/teslas-iphone-app-can-now-control-your-car-through-siri-144718131.html?src=rss
Debian Linux founder Ian Murdock would have been amazed at its legacy https://zdnet.com/article/debian-linux-founder-ian-murdock-would-have-been-amazed-at-its-legacy/ by @sjvn
I talked with Debian fathers, Bruce Perens and Bdale Garbee about Debian #Linux's early days.
The #ScienceFiction and #Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) Adds #Poetry and #Translation As Qualifying Works for Membership
The overwhelmingly positive results (90% yes for poetry; 83% yes for translated works) affirm that SFWA members are eager to welcome poets and translators into the organization.
10 years since the last Groklaw post https://social.gibiris.org/display/bad25f96-2064-e347-f745-2f1300704732
Former shipper and executive director at the Free Software Foundation, now https://alliterativeadvising.com, https://crazyalansemporium.com, and board of directors for https://f-droid.org.