by "never allow" I mean "never explicitly allow" -- we should insist that sharing the tools *is* allowed in order to achieve the exemptions. But lack of clarity means people will be hesitant to share the tools and put themselves at risk.
A huge problem with the DMCA exemptions process: the exemptions never allow sharing of tools to achieve the allowed circumventions. So stuff like makes them near useless. Freedom to dice your veggies how you like, but oh, obtaining a knife is illegal.
Need just a few more days? You can now submit your #LibrePlanet session until Monday, Nov. 16 12:00 EST. And don't forget to join us on March 20 & 21 for LibrePlanet 2021 with keynote Julia Reda!
An example of the kind of "grassroots" lobbying Google does against the AGPL:
@n8 I would be confused if n8 told me I should be, otherwise no
You have one more day to let us know who inspires you in the world of free software: nominate them for a Free Software Award by November 11th!
It’s been 10 years since the beta release of EFF’s HTTPS Everywhere web browser extension
This Friday I'll be making real cocktails at virtual @SeaGL (Seattle GNU/Linux conference). Source code for the menu is up if you want to buy ingredients and follow along. The non-drinky part of the program looks great too! Registration is free/optional.
The FSF's 35th Anniversary t-shirt is back in stock in a thrilling new ELECTRIC COPPER color scheme! Buy it here:
Use a mask, use Tor. And now, use your Tor mask! Make a gift of $50 before Dec. 31 and get your very own
The developers of Signal are currently doing a user survey:
I told them that I really like the app but also that I would like:
a) Signal on @fdroidorg
b) a proper desktop client
c) no data stored in "secure enclaves"
Maybe you'd like to tell them, too?
The FSF's 35th anniversary t-shirt is back in stock in a thrilling new ELECTRIC COPPER color scheme! Buy it here:
Did you miss our online 35th anniversary party? You can watch the talks and community videos on Mediagoblin and, now, on our new PeerTube page!
Save the date: as part of our Defective by Design campaign, this year's International Day Against #DRM (IDAD) will be on Dec. 4, and will focus on streaming services' unjust use of DRM:
Did you know that the FSF has a PeerTube account? PeerTube is a decentralized, federated video platform powered by ActivityPub and WebTorrent, and you'll find us on the Framatube instance:
The SeaGL 2020 Program is LIVE! And it looks fabulous!
These talks need moderators! Please signup if you can help #SeaGL steward this fantastic collection of talks.
See for details:
Or skip straight to the signup:
The first online Guix Day Conference is on Sunday, November 22. Submit your talk proposal by November 6!
Former shipper and executive director at the Free Software Foundation, now,, and board of directors for