@suporte yup
#ArchLinux / #danctnix now ships #Linux #megi 6.4 which has all #PinePhonePro patches for correct camera rotation and location (front/back - used for automatic mirroring in some apps and better camera naming).
This is a great step for having a good camera experience out of the box - the only thing still missing is #wireplumber being installed by default (see https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch/issues/537)
After that, one can e.g. install #gnomesnaphot or @dino from #Flathub and it should just work.
The good thing with people like @rmader constantly praising the work of @pipewire and @libcamera devs, is that you end up looking at upstream (or at least, actually submitted) kernel patches and make sure camera support for your device gets more future-proof.
In the end, it's very likely @mobian will soon ship a 6.4 kernel for the #PinePhonePro where (almost) all camera-related patches have been submitted upstream already :)
@arstechnica Musk will make his prediction (that twitter will be profitable by the end of the year) by getting rid all all twitter staff minus 10 folks give or take.
Not by making advertisers return.
bluesky is experiencing major community backlash after the platform allowed users to register handles with racial slurs
but it's about more than just that
i spoke to bluesky users to find out what's going on: https://mashable.com/article/bluesky-racism-username-anti-blackness
An example of data collected by popcon:
I liked your article. Even tough my position is in favor of opt-in.
As contribution there. Is a linux distro that has had opt in telemetry for years now, Debian. You can do it during the install process or join after install.
the tool is called popcon; And even tough it is opt in, in the last 12 months it had about 25K submissions.
Which is a large sample compared with other attempts to get telemetry.
Check the graphic at the end of the page
Happy 30th birthday, Slackware!
Join us for our building week, 7th to 13th August in #Kanthaus, #Wurzen! There'll be tasks and fun for everyone, even without building experience. It's a great moment to get to know the community, too. https://kanthaus.online/en/blog/2023-07-14_bauwoche
− post by @pintoch
Q: "Will Meta get my data or be able to track me?"
A: Mastodon does not broadcast your email or IP address, so Meta will only be able to extract every piece of information from your public profile data, public posts, and followers-only posts and DMs targeted at users on Threads.
They can and will do so to a degree none of the hobbyist fediverse search engines could even dream of, but that's no reason to overreact and threaten that sweet Meta money we're receiving.
Movim 0.22.1 is out! 🥳
Bug fixes and performances improvements for this version. Check our release note on our blog to know more https://mov.im/node/pubsub.movim.eu/Movim/ab724b18-7b9d-4f14-8111-aada074a73bd 😋
A geringonça morreu quando no resultado das legislativas de 2019, o PS, e no fim do primeiro acordo escrito da geringonça. Não há um segundo acordo escrito com os 4 partidos que a formaram.
O maior erro do PC e do bloco depois da geringonça ter morrido, foi não terem deixado isso bem claro, e que era navegação proposta a proposta para o PS.
Dois anos depois, a imprensa ainda falava como se a geringonça existisse.
A Mariana Motágua é uma Keynesiana, uma Social Democrática nórdica (nada haver com o PSD), da escola do Olof Palm. De meter o capitalismo sob controlo.
De radical, de mandar abaixo o capitalismo e o substituir completamente por outra coisa tem muito pouco.
Nesse sentido não a chamaria de "radical".
very muito bom #metal #rock #psy #kglw https://youtu.be/IpUKO-WKaqo