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Hopefully this means that I will be getting my librem5 within the next few weeks.

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As long as I've been alive, more poor people have died from the effects of obesity than starvation. Poor people have televisions, smart phones, electricity, running water, sewage. They can go to elementary school and high school and have a chance of going to college. As long as I've been alive, people haven't had to worry about agricultural output, they were going to eat. They didn't need to worry about how many houses were being built, they'd have a place to stay. they didn't need to worry about how much wood was being cut, they'd have enough heat for the winter. It doesn't matter how dry the well gets, they'd have enough water.

They're insulated from the reality of how their life is maintained. That's why they start to act as if they don't need to worry about a lack of food, where our grandparents had pantries packed with canned food. That's why they start to act as if work is just a nuisance that should be abolished rather than a mandatory contribution to the society that benefits them. That's why they start to act as if we can shut off the biggest forms of energy, rather than a genocidal and insane proposition.
"You want to support the right of others to speak because you want your right to speak protected as well. You might think that your ideas and what you have to say is completely innocuous and therefore only the bad guys should be silenced. The problem is, somebody else thinks you're the bad guy. If you don't support others right to speak then that person won't be there to support your right to speak. The only way we can protect our freedoms is together. So what does harming someone else's right to speak look like? Well often, this means going out of your way to cause someone harm for their words. At this moment in time, the biggest websites in the world are all going out of their way to find people who are saying things that they don't like and they are shutting that speech down. They're kicking people right off the websites for saying the wrong thing. In addition to that, even when they keep the people on the websites they are editing the posts and adding little things to them. I've never been kicked off of any social media site. Honestly, most of the opinions that they're going after aren't opinions that I hold. However, those people are our canaries. If the people saying things that we detest our band and go away then we are always next. We are always next. After the people that you disagree with are silenced, you are always next." - The Graysonian Ethic (first draft)

The Journalist class whining about freedom of speech after shutting it down and vilifying it for years didn't get the memo.

Haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you are ok!

@kyle @purism
We are almost to the end of the year. It would be great to get an update on this article.

Since #phosh made lockscreen widgets a plugin, I actually found it is prettty easy to make one yourself! I have been playing around with one that displays emergency info and emergency contacts.

Is there anything obvious I am missing from it? I got these from Android. Note that a user can add/remove/edit Emergency Contacts as they wish. (My hope is to merge this back into Phosh proper).

Notorious lickspittle Lindsey Graham doesn't seem to understand that we don't license expression in this country, and the reason for that is made plain by his suggestion: it would be used to punish expression that upsets the government.

Do you know about experiment? This web application has a lot of #security holes, and I tried to secure it using only #systemd. Feel free to do a round of #pentest, #attack the box. Remember to let me know what did you find.

The box is up from April end 2022.

Please boost so that your other security minded friends see this. I try to make sure that any learning from this goes back to systemd upstream.

#infosec #linux #rustlang #rust

What #operatingsystem are you using on your #phone

Boost surveys for more range

#os #smartphone #poll #polls #survey #linux #android #ios #ubuntutouch

If you only recently joined #Mastodon or still find it all a bit confusing, take a look at our new blog post where @ruario gives us an introduction into what Mastodon is, what it isn't and how to find an instance to join. :tony_smiling:

#VivaldiBrowser #Fediverse #MastodonMigration #MastodonHelp
Read all about it here ⬇️

this is the most succinct response I've ever seen to the comment "but Android is Linux!!"

Hey infosec tooters, I'm looking to find somebody who can speak frankly and on the record about general user concerns with maybe-burning Twitter. Like does deleting your DMs actually do anything, that sort of topic. Who should I talk to?

100 Mastodon myths:

1. Mastodon is hard.

FALSE. It’s a "soft"ware. Not hardware.

2. You have to use Linux to post on Mastodon.

FALSE. FreeBSD and OpenBSD are also supported.

3. You need to learn to use the Vim editor before posting on Mastodon.

FALSE. There’s also an emacs plugin.

4. Mastodon is only for computer nerds.

FALSE. As you can see, we sometimes try to make jokes that everyone could understand.

The thing about Twitter is that it really lacks a lot of the features you'd expect from a true Mastodon replacement.

For example, there's no way to edit your toots (which they, confusingly call "tweets"—let's face it, it's a bit of a silly name that's difficult to take seriously).

"Tweets" can't be covered by a content warning. There's no way to let the poster know you like their tweet without also sharing it, and no bookmark feature.

There's no way to set up your own instance, and you're basically stuck on a single instance of Twitter. That means there's no community moderators you can reach out to to quickly resolve issues. Also, you can't de-federate instances with a lot of problematic content.

It also doesn't Integrate with other fediverse platforms, and I couldn't find the option to turn the ads off.

Really, Twitter has made a good start, but it will need to add a lot of additional features before it gets to the point where it becomes a true Mastodon replacement for most users.

#twitter #mastodon #twittermigration

Let’s try this again. Where you at #fediverse? Boosts welcome so we can get the best sample size.

personal Twitter migration plans 

i posted a while ago about how i wish #libreoffice had a mobile-friendly toolbar option out of the box, but by changing a few options this can be achieved pretty easily. first, i disabled all toolbars except the formattimg one to maximize the space to view the document. second i resized paper (in writer) to A5 and set the view to 'fit to width' so that i don't have to adjust font size constantly to see text. useful for both portrait and landscape

Are you a web developer looking for work? We got a project for you! We need a freedom minded person who can work with us to develop a new ecommerce site for ThinkPenguin. The ideal candidate will be familiar with Drupal and free software tools. We want to retain control over as much of the site as possible and not deal with the BS SaAS that is WordPress and similar solutions. Nor platforms based on Java or Adobe. Just say no to JavaScript overload and ties to social media & Google.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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