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Fish : How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn't (Hindi)

Episode 2 : Chotese Dveep ke Mota Bhai

Hari, Amar and Prem are caught in a storm. Can they save themselves ?

Listen and share !

How Government Spending Destroys Wealth

The greater the amount of projects the government undertakes, the more real wealth is taken away from real wealth producers.

Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor are Getting Poorer

Or, why the RBI must be abolished.

This is not a joke. India's 9 richest-people hold as much wealth as poorest 50%.

The Wisdom of Frédéric Bastiat

The French rebel who dared to point out that while everyone wants to live at the expense of the Government, we forget that the Government lives at the expense of everyone.

Even the Leftist EPW Admits : Modi’s “Make in India” Tariffs are Idiotic !

It is not often that we at the ILR get the pleasure of agreeing with socialists from the left or the right, but this one takes the cake !

हमारे आने वाले पॉडकास्ट "मछली: अर्थव्यवस्था कैसे बढ़ती है और क्यों नहीं" का एक टीसर

A teaser of our upcoming podcast series in Hindi called "Fish : How an Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't"

Amar Habib: Response to an anguish

Kisanpatras and daughters from across the country will fast throughout the day on March 19 to pay homage to suicidal farmers and pledge their support for farmers' freedoms.

अमर हबीब : एका वेदनेला प्रतिसाद

आत्महत्या केलेल्या शेतकऱयांना श्रद्धांजली अर्पण करण्यासाठी आणि शेतकऱयांच्या स्वातंत्र्यासाठी संकल्पबद्ध होण्यासाठी 19 मार्च रोजी देशविदेशतील किसानपुत्र आणि पुत्री दिवसभर उपवास करणार आहेत. हा उपवास म्हणजे वेदनेला दिलेला प्रतिसाद आहे.

Corbett : The “Cures” for Coronavirus Will Be Worse Than the Disease

As the globalist Rahm Emanuel said during the last financial crisis, the elitists' mantra is to "never let a good crisis go to waste."

[Video] Steve Jobs vs Steve Wozniak : difference between invention and innovation

Why do some inventions change the lives of the people while others are abandoned and forgotten even if they are brilliant? Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!

[Video] Steve Jobs vs Steve Wozniak : difference between invention and innovation

Why do some inventions change the lives of the people while others are abandoned and forgotten even if they are brilliant? Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!

@wizzwizz4 its an interesting topic and tbh we’ve not made up our minds either !

[Video] What is the Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism ?

To understand the effects of State interventions we have to first understand state what capitalism and socialism really are. Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!

Is “Animal Rights” a Real Thing ?

In this post which we are publishing for further discussion, Stratton J. Davis argues that the idea of animal rights is incompatible with an ordered, civilized society.

Capitalism, Happiness, and Beauty

It was the writings of John Ruskin that popularized the prejudice that capitalism has substituted ugliness for beauty, pettiness for grandeur and trash for art.

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