Is “Animal Rights” a Real Thing ?

In this post which we are publishing for further discussion, Stratton J. Davis argues that the idea of animal rights is incompatible with an ordered, civilized society.

@ilr This argument is building from flawed premises:

* One must be an agent to have rights.
* Something either has rights, or does not have rights.
* All agents are perfectly rational with perfect information.

It also makes unjustified assertions (perhaps true? 😞):

* One must eat meat to not starve.
* Unclaimed land is unused.
* If an animal is not owned by a human, it will be harmed by other humans.
* Animal behaviour is incompatible with humans treating them as having rights.


@wizzwizz4 its an interesting topic and tbh we’ve not made up our minds either !

@ilr I really don't like this article, though. Its arguments seem deliberately flawed. It even equates killing and eating livestock to finding a lost dog – these are not the same thing, but the argument both relies on and implies that they are.

Somebody who believes what they're arguing for does not argue in this way.

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