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Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor are Getting Poorer

Or, why the RBI must be abolished.

This is not a joke. India's 9 richest-people hold as much wealth as poorest 50%.

Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor are Getting Poorer

Or, why the RBI must be abolished.

This is not a joke. India's 9 richest-people hold as much wealth as poorest 50%.

The Entrepreneurial Advantages of Building Human Capital While Young

Entrepreneurs are not created overnight. Taking risks, working long hours, and making critical decisions require a certain upbringing.

The Polar Bear Population is Doing Just Fine !

While you’ll find no shortage of headlines declaring that polar bears face extinction, the numbers tell a different story.

"When the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.”

- Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England (1768)

Public Education is state indoctrination.
College is a scam to turn people into an even more debt slave while continuing the brainwashing.

“Uber for Everything” Is Revolutionizing Africa’s Economy

The digital economy’s transformative presence in Africa illustrates the power of the market to give people what they value.

New Resource Added : Dr. @saifedean
Ammous' online academy for learning Austrian economics !

See other resources at

The WTO Is Both Irrelevant and Unnecessary

CNBC reports this week that the WTO is in "a reform-or-die moment," as both the US and Chinese governments appear uninterested in taking orders from the WTO.

Power Corrupts, and Central Bankers Have Way Too Much of It

While socialists complain that rich people exercise power over poor people, they seem oddly untroubled by the fact that powerful central bankers can and do literally print money to enrich their friends.

Bharat Karnad : the Trump trip will be high-optics, low outcome

India is expected to agree to a face-saving deal in return for its retaining beneficiary status in the US Generalized System of Preferences.

The Wisdom of Frédéric Bastiat

The French rebel who dared to point out that while everyone wants to live at the expense of the Government, we forget that the Government lives at the expense of everyone.

4 Common Capitalism Myths Debunked

The term Marx coined stuck and has led to some confusion about why markets actually work.

How Democracy Is Undermining the Constitution and Civil Liberties

Holding democracy out as an ideal overlooks the question of whether market democracy or political democracy better serves citizens.

[VIDEO] If Money Solves Problems, What About INFINITE Money!?

Inflation is about governments poofing money into existence to pay for things they can't actually afford.

The Economy Is Not a Factory—Nor Should We Try to Make It One

It is a misconception to think that a working (and progressing) economy is about the management of existing production.

Government “Fixes” for the Trade Balance Are Worse Than Any Trade Deficit

No individual or group of individuals can suffer as a result of an “unfavorable” trade account balance. But suffering can emerge from a drop in the incomes of individuals because of government tampering with the economy.

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