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If You Want To Understand The Constitution, Don’t Ask A Lawyer

This piece, written in an American context, is perfectly applicable to India. The Supreme Court has been at the forefront of diluting our constitutional rights.

To Encounter a Socio-Nationalist Hell on Earth, Read The Gulag Archipelago

Free speech and free inquiry are among the first things to go.

Schooling Was for the Industrial Era, Unschooling Is for the Future

We've entered a new era, the Imagination Age, so why are we still schooling kids like we did in the 19th Century?

RIP : The Coronavirus Whistleblower Who Gave His Life

Dr. Li Wenliang, who bravely told the world of the deadly coronavirus, leaves behind a pregnant wife and a small child. He was 34.

Why Socialism Often Leads to Tyranny

A socialist society controls almost every personal, educational, political, and economic aspect of everyday life.

The Battle Isn’t Right vs. Left. It’s Statism vs. Individualism

How high does the death toll need to get before people realize that communism, like its sister ideology of Nazism, is despicably evil?

[Video] Climate Change from the Economic Point of View

How much does combat against climate change cost? What is the cost of "doing nothing"? Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!

[Video] Protectionism, Tariffs and Who Benefits From Them

Is exporting more important than importing? Who benefits from tariffs and protectionism? Is international trade "evil"? Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!


Savings vs. Money: Which Is More Important?

It is not money that funds economic activity, but the saved pool of consumer goods. The existence of money only facilitates the flow of savings. Any attempt to replace savings with money ends in economic disaster.

Economics: The “Other Side” of Politics

Economics must not be relegated to classrooms. It is the philosophy of human life and action and concerns everybody and everything.

Bitcoin Is Quantitatively Tightening

This is the diametric opposite of the qualitative-easing campaign that central banks are continuing to tinker with, at our peril.

Henry Ford Did More for Workers than Unions Did

Henry Ford's factories had a hard time keeping workers because the work was monotonous. So Ford helped keep workers around through reduced hours, vacation time, and other benefits that are now considered typical.

The Caracas Syndrome

In Venezuela, the stock market goes up because the currency devalues. The same is true worldwide.

Ram Rajya is nothing but capitalism

Unlike the socialist BJP manifesto, no Indian scripture or tradition ever called for the confiscation of private property.

The Case For Privatizing National Defence (and fully de-funding the military)

Freed from the need to serve citizen consumers as efficiently as possible, nationalised militaries are prone to wasteful behavior and needless troop casualties.

Hinduism loves markets – socialism and central authorities are sacrilege

Hinduism is antithetical to authority and centralization. It acknowledges the fact that each individual soul is a repository of knowledge and power.

Daniel Lacalle : Monetary policy has gone from being a support for structural reforms to an excuse to avoid them

Authored by Daniel Lacalle via The Mises Institute,

Negative rates are the destruction of money, an
economic aberration based on the mistakes of many central banks and some
of their economists, who start with a wr

Bharat Karnad : India may be dragged into war against Iran

Modi is a proven sucker for praise and flattery, and Trump’s laying it on thick will be irresistible to him.

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